hello everyone im joe from illinois, i have smoked cigars of and on for ten years. i havn't smoked any cigars in awhile. been to busy growing my own tobacco.
im growing cigarette tobacco its my first atempt i have two diffrent kinds growing right now bursa and yellow twist bud. would light to grow cigar tobacco but figure i better try cigarette tobacco first just to see how it goes
Haha are you a Brewers fan?
If so i was at game6 of the NLCS last year... LoVeD it! You guys to know how to build a stadium though...
Unless your a Cubs fan Mike? Please say it aint so
Sweet, live about an hour from there, but.....I call it Wrigley North!!!! Cubs through and through, was fine when Milwaukee was American League, but when the changed to the NL I stayed faithful!! I think I said this once before but do you know what god said to the Cubs "Don't do anything till I get back!" have to laugh at that!!!
Welcome joe...
Two important questions
Are you from southern or northern Illinois? Second Cubs or Cardinals fan?
im from central illinois and im a big cardinals fan
Well jailhouse Joe, nice to have you with us, and sorry to hear about your baseball loyalty. Being a Cardinal fan, you and I could never get along.. (jfk)
Welcome joe...
Two important questions
Are you from southern or northern Illinois? Second Cubs or Cardinals fan?
im from central illinois and im a big cardinals fan
AWESOME JOE... you`ll be just fine. We just didnt need any more flippen cubs fans.
I get back home to the Stounton area about once a year.kinda starting to miss it.
Welcome joe...
Two important questions
Are you from southern or northern Illinois? Second Cubs or Cardinals fan?
im from central illinois and im a big cardinals fan
AWESOME JOE... you`ll be just fine. We just didnt need any more flippen cubs fans.
I get back home to the Stounton area about once a year.kinda starting to miss it.
na naaaa na naa na na naaaa na na na naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa na na na naaaa na na na na naaaa na naaa