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must be getting old

kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
Twitter (and social media in general, but mostly twitter) seems so unnatural to me.

i dont know how all these people have so much of nothing to say. I mean, i know i love to talk and type and im a wordy mother fucker, but DAMN.

i must be getting old.


  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Just wait 'til you're my age if you think you're getting old now. And I see the same uselessness of all that social media crap. Who's got time for that stuff???
  • HeavyHeavy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,590
    Remeber the days when sometimes you just couldn't get in touch with someone 24/7.....and that was OK!?
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Not getting old Kuz-----at least I hope not, as we are of an age and feel the same way. Despite our many differences, I think its that you and I are kind of "old souls" or at least view things differently than a lot of people our age------such as for instance, the twitter stupidity. I dont know if that makes us better or worse, but certainly different

    Either that or we're getting old.
  • Russ55Russ55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,762
    I've never been a fan of social networking sites. They're just not my thing.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Not getting old Kuz-----at least I hope not, as we are of an age and feel the same way. Despite our many differences, I think its that you and I are kind of "old souls" or at least view things differently than a lot of people our age------such as for instance, the twitter stupidity. I dont know if that makes us better or worse, but certainly different

    Either that or we're getting old.
    ya know, i agree.
    we rae getting old.
    but seriously, i have a feeling that our lifestyles are similar just a few of our point of views are different; not only from many people, but each other.
    I've never been a fan of social networking sites. They're just not my thing.
    i never was until i got into blogging. kinda makes me feel selfish promoting myself like that.

    the struggle with on this goes as follows:

    i shouldt care how many followers/likes i have for my catalog. the catalog was designed for me to learn. it is my notes on what i like. not notes on what others will like. it is my way to study cigars not my way to teach others. im not looking for money out of it. im not looking for anything.

    so... why the hell am i putting it online?
    if i didnt care one lick about validation of any sort, why would i post all of the notes ive taken online?
    having validation is huge. i mean we all want to feel validated right?

    oh well. the "i dont care" part is slowly winning that battle. i know that its online for my friends and so that maybe someone will learn something on some random google search.

    im just amazed that so many people on twitter have so much to say about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    2 words--------Ashton....Kutcher
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    2 words--------Ashton....Kutcher
    I HATE that guy
  • MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
    Kuzi, times are changing, social medias are some of the only ways to communicate with the younger generation. Myself, like you just can't get into it. About the only time I get on Facebook, linkedin, twitter or others is when it says I have notifications pending. I have to keep accounts for teaching purposes, interactions with students with these new systems are becoming more and more, but boy do I hate incorporating them!!
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Not getting old Kuz-----at least I hope not, as we are of an age and feel the same way. Despite our many differences, I think its that you and I are kind of "old souls" or at least view things differently than a lot of people our age------such as for instance, the twitter stupidity. I dont know if that makes us better or worse, but certainly different

    Either that or we're getting old.
    ya know, i agree.
    we rae getting old.
    but seriously, i have a feeling that our lifestyles are similar just a few of our point of views are different; not only from many people, but each other.
    I've never been a fan of social networking sites. They're just not my thing.
    i never was until i got into blogging. kinda makes me feel selfish promoting myself like that.

    the struggle with on this goes as follows:

    i shouldt care how many followers/likes i have for my catalog. the catalog was designed for me to learn. it is my notes on what i like. not notes on what others will like. it is my way to study cigars not my way to teach others. im not looking for money out of it. im not looking for anything.

    so... why the hell am i putting it online?
    if i didnt care one lick about validation of any sort, why would i post all of the notes ive taken online?
    having validation is huge. i mean we all want to feel validated right?

    oh well. the "i dont care" part is slowly winning that battle. i know that its online for my friends and so that maybe someone will learn something on some random google search.

    im just amazed that so many people on twitter have so much to say about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

    Kuzi , we have agreed and disagreed on some things , I guess thats what makes the world go around huh ? Maybe age differences , I don't know , I know I definitly look at things different than I did 20 years ago . he_ll , I think different now about some things than I did 2 years ago with all that went on and is still going on with my wifes dad and my dad passing away .I think your opinions , likes , dis-likes , etc about more than just cigars will absolutely change over time . This will come with age which really translate into lifes experiences and how they mold you .

    I may be looking at a career change where facebook and some other social media sites may actually be beneficial and you know what ? It scares the he_ll outta me . Never been into it and even kinda had a sorta pride in not messin with it .

    Your cigar catalog , regardless of who it started out for , or what reason , has been a great reference guide to look at . Glad you put it out there on the forum for us all to learn from and enjoy . Thanks Brother ! Gene
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    Facebook is a sore subject with me. All these companies are going to it and want you to "like" them.
    They are too cheap anymore to make a real website, so they use facebook.
    I did sign up for facebook, cause class reunion pics were uploaded to it and I had to sign up to be able to see them. Then a ton of people wanted to be my "friends". People that when I was in school, I couldn't stand. What makes them think I can stand them now?

    As for twitter, I see absolutely no real use for it.
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    Remeber the days when sometimes you just couldn't get in touch with someone 24/7.....and that was OK!?
    Yea I remember when you called a guys/gals house only to get a busy signal,, so a guy could either wait or get off their ass and walk / ride the bike or drive the car over to the house to talk cause the guys/gals mom or sibling was on the phone.
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    amazes me of all the people i see texting with their head up thier arsses, i have a cell phone with 400 mins. a month and dont usully use half
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    amazes me of all the people i see texting with their head up thier arsses, i have a cell phone with 400 mins. a month and dont usully use half
    sugamama would burn that up in 3-5 days,,lol
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Yeah, texting is getting really stupid.... My child bride and I were shopping at a mall one day and a scruffy-looking couple passed us going in the same direction. As they went by I could see that they were both busy texting and by the grunts, mumbles, and giggles it soon became apparent that they were texting one another!!

    Now, is that the height of stupidity, or what???
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    Yeah, texting is getting really stupid.... My child bride and I were shopping at a mall one day and a scruffy-looking couple passed us going in the same direction. As they went by I could see that they were both busy texting and by the grunts, mumbles, and giggles it soon became apparent that they were texting one another!!

    Now, is that the height of stupidity, or what???
    in a way i think thats cute,,,giggles
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    Thanks for this thread, guys, my wife and I were thinking maybe we were the only ones who felt this way! ;)
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Remeber the days when sometimes you just couldn't get in touch with someone 24/7.....and that was OK!?
    That's called Freedom.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    Just wait 'til you're my age if you think you're getting old now. And I see the same uselessness of all that social media crap. Who's got time for that stuff???
    .. ... ._.. . _ _ .._ ._.. _.. .. _ .. _. _. .._..
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Just wait 'til you're my age if you think you're getting old now. And I see the same uselessness of all that social media crap. Who's got time for that stuff???
    .. ... ._.. . _ _ .._ ._.. _.. .. _ .. _. _. .._..

    Sure wish I still had my secret decoder ring, Lassie. I'd know in a Batman minute what you just said....... :-)
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    Just wait 'til you're my age if you think you're getting old now. And I see the same uselessness of all that social media crap. Who's got time for that stuff???
    .. ... ._.. . _ _ .._ ._.. _.. .. _ .. _. _. .._..

    Sure wish I still had my secret decoder ring, Lassie. I'd know in a Batman minute what you just said....... :-)
    Yeah, whenever Lassie decides to grace us with his company I sit here shaking my head.. WTF ? Also reference his other fifteen posts last night.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Just wait 'til you're my age if you think you're getting old now. And I see the same uselessness of all that social media crap. Who's got time for that stuff???
    .. ... ._.. . _ _ .._ ._.. _.. .. _ .. _. _. .._..

    Sure wish I still had my secret decoder ring, Lassie. I'd know in a Batman minute what you just said....... :-)
    Yeah, whenever Lassie decides to grace us with his company I sit here shaking my head.. WTF ? Also reference his other fifteen posts last night.
    Looks like he's back on the bottle, or on a BOTL. .......Badabing!
  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    I understant the "getting old" feeling. Here I am, a grandfather, in college taking the 'geek-i-est' course out there "computer programmer analyst". The kids here keep asking me me "Sir, what course do you teach?"

    Of course, we study things like twitter, social networking and work on creating the networks that carry all that crap. My latest case study is in creating the "ultimate in redundancy" of failover clustering. To my old ears, it sounds like "Bla bla bla, ba ba bla, bla ba blaaaaaaeeeechhhh".

    All day long, all I see are kids adicted to their mobile devices, texting, twittering, bla bla bla-ing, and if the service drops for a few seconds, they pitch a fit! What would they do if they grew up when I did:
    When phones were attached to the wall with a 3 foot cord!
    When a "mobile device" only took 2 men to carry!
    When you had to adjust the 'bunny ears' to get the third channed on the TV!
    Bofore TWITTER!

    Ok, I need a nap now....grampinator is dozzing off.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i remember having a phone with a rotary dial instead of buttons.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    i remember having a phone with a rotary dial instead of buttons.
    Remember when the youngest child in the house was Dad's remote control for the TV? Speaking of TV, remember UHF & VHF, rabbit ear antennas on the set and all that jazz? :-)

  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    The Sniper:
    i remember having a phone with a rotary dial instead of buttons.
    Remember when the youngest child in the house was Dad's remote control for the TV? Speaking of TV, remember UHF & VHF, rabbit ear antennas on the set and all that jazz? :-)

    ... And the day we got PONG the first video game.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    The Sniper:
    i remember having a phone with a rotary dial instead of buttons.
    Remember when the youngest child in the house was Dad's remote control for the TV? Speaking of TV, remember UHF & VHF, rabbit ear antennas on the set and all that jazz? :-)

    ... And the day we got PONG the first video game.
    Atari 2600 was BIG PIMPIN!!! And let us not forget ColecoVision and Intellivision too!

  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    I burned out a tv playing Super Mario one summer, my thumbs still hurt from that.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    i remember having a phone with a rotary dial instead of buttons.

    And, believe it or not, I can still remember our phone number when we had a rotary dial phone when we lived in Detroit. I moved to California in 1956 so you know how long ago it was. We still had 'exchanges' in those days. Ours was Tashmoo. I have no idea what it meant. Our number was TA6-6224. Who said oldfarts can't remember s.hit?
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    i remember having a phone with a rotary dial instead of buttons.

    And, believe it or not, I can still remember our phone number when we had a rotary dial phone when we lived in Detroit. I moved to California in 1956 so you know how long ago it was. We still had 'exchanges' in those days. Ours was Tashmoo. I have no idea what it meant. Our number was TA6-6224. Who said oldfarts can't remember s.hit?
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    i remember having a phone with a rotary dial instead of buttons.

    And, believe it or not, I can still remember our phone number when we had a rotary dial phone when we lived in Detroit. I moved to California in 1956 so you know how long ago it was. We still had 'exchanges' in those days. Ours was Tashmoo. I have no idea what it meant. Our number was TA6-6224. Who said oldfarts can't remember s.hit?
    I remember my grandfather telling the story.. to call someone, you actually picked up the phone and got an operator, you told her who you wanted and she would connect you. When they got a modern phone it had a crack. His connect number was " three longs and a short" THAT is old.
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