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Sniper's Gripe Thread



  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    A mediation was completed today with a finding of no wrongdoing on the part of the BOTL called into question. The review of the issue was completed by three BOTL of high standing in the forum who were unbiased towards any of the members involved with the issue, and uninvolved in any way with the issue themselves. The finding was a 3-0 margin, with only one recommendation for action given (which is Item 1 under the "Lessons Learned" section below.

    Due to the finding of no wrongdoing on the part of the BOTL called into question, it is my opinion that neither the name of said BOTL be posted here (in order to avoid possible negative connotations being attached to their name and reputation from being called into question) nor the name of the BOTL who raised the issue (in order to avoid negative connotation being attached to their name and reputation for raising an issue which resulted in a finding of no wrongdoing).


    1. It is in keeping with the traditions of the forums that if you receive a gift or service from a BOTL, it should be reciprocated in some manner. While this is NOT strictly necessary, it is in good form and can avoid bad feelings.

    2. Even when the member insists it is not necessary, if you allude to sending them a thank you of some form for their gesture to you, ensure you follow thru. Better to be hollared at for sending someone a kindness even when it was waved off, than to risk possible hurt feelings of the "He said he was gonna do it but never did..." variety.

    Sincere thanks is extended to the BOTL who volunteered to review this mediation, and to the BOTL involved for the opportunity to help and their faith in the process.

  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    The Kid:
    The Kid:
    Ok,, after reading everything here,, I gues its best to just let the forum decide what the best course of action is for all parties....
    It all started about a month ago when I received a bomb from Rhamalam,,aka (Rhamlin) the brother sent me some awesome sticks,, He also included,, which I did not post, a picture of himself wearin nuthin but a man thong and the rest of his body was covered in what appeared to be Peanut butter (creamy) and Marshmallow Creme... Well I did what any one of us would do.. I stashed the picture away and would look at it when I was alone,,,,, Well My GF knew something had changed in our relationship,, and became more and more suspicious..One day it all came to a head when she saw me stocking up on Creamy peanut butter and Marshmallow creme,, She confronted me,, I broke down, confessed and showed her the picture...

    She was shocked but we made love that night like never before.. The next morning I awoke and she was gone,, all that was left was a note explaining how the picture ruined her for other men and she was leaving me, now in search of, the man of her dreams..

    Well as you all can imagine I am devastated, not because my GF left but because she took the photo with her...I hope you all understand why I wanted to keep this behind closed doors... Please dont be too quick to judge. All I am asking for is for Rhamlin to send me another photo,,, .. Rhamlin is no longer responding to any of my pm's...
    Whoa I feel better now
    Im sorry JJ but you were bound to find out sooner or later
    I got a picture of me wearing the Superman Underoos I had as a kid and the seasoning packets from Ramen stapled to my nipples.If'n it'll help you get over the pain I'll gladly send it to you.
    The support of all you brothers is bringing tears to my eyes,, Thank You Direwolf,, But no,, It just wouldnt be the same!!!!
    (Shaking my head) LMFAO
  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    The Kid:
    The Kid:
    Ok,, after reading everything here,, I gues its best to just let the forum decide what the best course of action is for all parties....
    It all started about a month ago when I received a bomb from Rhamalam,,aka (Rhamlin) the brother sent me some awesome sticks,, He also included,, which I did not post, a picture of himself wearin nuthin but a man thong and the rest of his body was covered in what appeared to be Peanut butter (creamy) and Marshmallow Creme... Well I did what any one of us would do.. I stashed the picture away and would look at it when I was alone,,,,, Well My GF knew something had changed in our relationship,, and became more and more suspicious..One day it all came to a head when she saw me stocking up on Creamy peanut butter and Marshmallow creme,, She confronted me,, I broke down, confessed and showed her the picture...

    She was shocked but we made love that night like never before.. The next morning I awoke and she was gone,, all that was left was a note explaining how the picture ruined her for other men and she was leaving me, now in search of, the man of her dreams..

    Well as you all can imagine I am devastated, not because my GF left but because she took the photo with her...I hope you all understand why I wanted to keep this behind closed doors... Please dont be too quick to judge. All I am asking for is for Rhamlin to send me another photo,,, .. Rhamlin is no longer responding to any of my pm's...
    Whoa I feel better now
    Im sorry JJ but you were bound to find out sooner or later
    I got a picture of me wearing the Superman Underoos I had as a kid and the seasoning packets from Ramen stapled to my nipples.If'n it'll help you get over the pain I'll gladly send it to you.
    The support of all you brothers is bringing tears to my eyes,, Thank You Direwolf,, But no,, It just wouldnt be the same!!!!
    Guess I can pout the camera away then. Just wish I hadn't used my construction staplegun.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    The Sniper:
    A mediation was completed today with a finding of no wrongdoing on the part of the BOTL called into question. The review of the issue was completed by three BOTL of high standing in the forum who were unbiased towards any of the members involved with the issue, and uninvolved in any way with the issue themselves. The finding was a 3-0 margin, with only one recommendation for action given (which is Item 1 under the "Lessons Learned" section below.

    Due to the finding of no wrongdoing on the part of the BOTL called into question, it is my opinion that neither the name of said BOTL be posted here (in order to avoid possible negative connotations being attached to their name and reputation from being called into question) nor the name of the BOTL who raised the issue (in order to avoid negative connotation being attached to their name and reputation for raising an issue which resulted in a finding of no wrongdoing).


    1. It is in keeping with the traditions of the forums that if you receive a gift or service from a BOTL, it should be reciprocated in some manner. While this is NOT strictly necessary, it is in good form and can avoid bad feelings.

    2. Even when the member insists it is not necessary, if you allude to sending them a thank you of some form for their gesture to you, ensure you follow thru. Better to be hollared at for sending someone a kindness even when it was waved off, than to risk possible hurt feelings of the "He said he was gonna do it but never did..." variety.

    Sincere thanks is extended to the BOTL who volunteered to review this mediation, and to the BOTL involved for the opportunity to help and their faith in the process.

    Seriously? Wow, I would have hoped that grown ups could take care of these kinds of things without going "to court" over it. In my days here I have sent out more then a few packages that were never mentioned, or reciprocated. In my days here I may have (hope not) not reciprocated a package that I received either in a timely manner or even at all if I forgot. (it happens)

    If that was the case then I would hope the person would contact me directly to make things good between us. Don't get me wrong Glen, I know what your intentions are here. My point is that we have a VERY KEWL group of Guys 'n Gals here and while we have grown so large we have maintained this place for the most part without any formal mods or a set of guidelines that a person has to agree to before signing on.

    I know this was done for nothing but good reasons, and if needed I hope that it will serve its' purpose. However if you are a member here and you don't take the time to learn the way we roll, or you decide to pull off the ultimate heist for a handful of cigars (even if it involves several hundred $$$) you are only hurting yourself. It will be you who will miss out on the experiences we enjoy together around here. It will be you who will no longer be able to show your self around here anymore because of your guilt, as has happened in the past. While I know this was done for good, and while I would trust and thank Glen and whoever he has help him in these discussions... I hope this is the loneliest, least used mechanism we have created around here. We rule ourselves and it is with pride that we consider ourselves a part of this group of people. If you don't feel the same way... maybe you need to ask yourself why. If you screw one of us, you screw us all. That is a LOT of bad karma. Just my opinion.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Seriously? Wow, I would have hoped that grown ups could take care of these kinds of things without going "to court" over it. In my days here I have sent out more then a few packages that were never mentioned, or reciprocated. In my days here I may have (hope not) not reciprocated a package that I received either in a timely manner or even at all if I forgot. (it happens)

    If that was the case then I would hope the person would contact me directly to make things good between us. Don't get me wrong Glen, I know what your intentions are here. My point is that we have a VERY KEWL group of Guys 'n Gals here and while we have grown so large we have maintained this place for the most part without any formal mods or a set of guidelines that a person has to agree to before signing on.

    I know this was done for nothing but good reasons, and if needed I hope that it will serve its' purpose. However if you are a member here and you don't take the time to learn the way we roll, or you decide to pull off the ultimate heist for a handful of cigars (even if it involves several hundred $$$) you are only hurting yourself. It will be you who will miss out on the experiences we enjoy together around here. It will be you who will no longer be able to show your self around here anymore because of your guilt, as has happened in the past. While I know this was done for good, and while I would trust and thank Glen and whoever he has help him in these discussions... I hope this is the loneliest, least used mechanism we have created around here. We rule ourselves and it is with pride that we consider ourselves a part of this group of people. If you don't feel the same way... maybe you need to ask yourself why. If you screw one of us, you screw us all. That is a LOT of bad karma. Just my opinion.
    +1 on all of this Doug, and nobody hates it more than me that there seems to be somewhat of a need for this.

  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    maybe this wiill help rudy get through this,lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J659hiXiUbM
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Oh sweet Jesus jj - LMAO! If it didnt help Rudy get thru it, it should at least act as an appetite suppressant for him for quite some time. Me too for that matter... :-)

  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    I gotta quit posting videos.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    OK, I was totally wrong Glen.

    I would like to nominate JJ for mediation. I just don't trust him anymore ! My eyes water everytime I come across another of his videos and I don't even watch the whole video most of the time LMAO.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    OK, I was totally wrong Glen.

    I would like to nominate JJ for mediation. I just don't trust him anymore ! My eyes water everytime I come across another of his videos and I don't even watch the whole video most of the time LMAO.
    LOL Im not sure we can mediate jj's penchant for making everyone lose their lunch with his world-famous videos Doug.

  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    The Sniper:
    OK, I was totally wrong Glen.

    I would like to nominate JJ for mediation. I just don't trust him anymore ! My eyes water everytime I come across another of his videos and I don't even watch the whole video most of the time LMAO.
    LOL Im not sure we can mediate jj's penchant for making everyone lose their lunch with his world-famous videos Doug.

    Can someone send him a buncha "T" sticks and force him to smoke them for each vid?
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    The Sniper:
    OK, I was totally wrong Glen.

    I would like to nominate JJ for mediation. I just don't trust him anymore ! My eyes water everytime I come across another of his videos and I don't even watch the whole video most of the time LMAO.
    LOL Im not sure we can mediate jj's penchant for making everyone lose their lunch with his world-famous videos Doug.

    Actually JJ I am feeling a little bit better now,,,,Hmmmm maybe there is life after seeing "The Gates Of Heaven".. So Direwolf what flavor ramen packets are you sportin????
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    The Sniper:
    OK, I was totally wrong Glen.

    I would like to nominate JJ for mediation. I just don't trust him anymore ! My eyes water everytime I come across another of his videos and I don't even watch the whole video most of the time LMAO.
    LOL Im not sure we can mediate jj's penchant for making everyone lose their lunch with his world-famous videos Doug.

    Can someone send him a buncha "T" sticks and force him to smoke them for each vid?
    Ohhhhhhhh man....that's worse that a white owl lol. Please God no!!!!
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    The Sniper:
    OK, I was totally wrong Glen.

    I would like to nominate JJ for mediation. I just don't trust him anymore ! My eyes water everytime I come across another of his videos and I don't even watch the whole video most of the time LMAO.
    LOL Im not sure we can mediate jj's penchant for making everyone lose their lunch with his world-famous videos Doug.

    Can someone send him a buncha "T" sticks and force him to smoke them for each vid?
    Hey, that's not a bad idea. Everytime JJ wants to post a video, it should start out with him sucking on a grape swisher or something just as vile. At least that way we could gauge just how badly he wanted to subject us to his latest find LMAO!
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    The Sniper:
    OK, I was totally wrong Glen.

    I would like to nominate JJ for mediation. I just don't trust him anymore ! My eyes water everytime I come across another of his videos and I don't even watch the whole video most of the time LMAO.
    LOL Im not sure we can mediate jj's penchant for making everyone lose their lunch with his world-famous videos Doug.

    Can someone send him a buncha "T" sticks and force him to smoke them for each vid?
    Hey, that's not a bad idea. Everytime JJ wants to post a video, it should start out with him sucking on a grape swisher or something just as vile. At least that way we could gauge just how badly he wanted to subject us to his latest find LMAO!
    Democracy in progress is a beautiful thing... LOL

  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
    maybe this wiill help rudy get through this,lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J659hiXiUbM
    You Sir will pay for that and pay you will!!

  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Went through the entire thread and still consider it A great idea. As bad as it sounds, at times it will become necessary to resolve conflicts in all aspects of life. This forum is no exception. Good work.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    Brother Oz, glad to see you found your way back. How has life been treating you.

    During the whole episode with Joey I remember thinking "oh, there goes Ozzie being a grump", I didn't know what was going on and when I found out how bad it was I felt like an ass for not listening to you. I guess that whole thing taught me two lessons, one was to be more vigilant and the other was to look past the words and see the message. You've been a voice of reason on many occasions...even if you do come off as a mad man screaming atop a mountain. Big Smile [:D]

    Thanks Guys, Ill respond more soon but i have just recieved word of my Mothers health deteiorating rapidly and I am headin back to Ohio in the next couple days it looks like, please keep my M<om and Family in yourt prayers...see you all soon!
  • ToombesToombes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,451
    Brother Oz, glad to see you found your way back. How has life been treating you.

    During the whole episode with Joey I remember thinking "oh, there goes Ozzie being a grump", I didn't know what was going on and when I found out how bad it was I felt like an ass for not listening to you. I guess that whole thing taught me two lessons, one was to be more vigilant and the other was to look past the words and see the message. You've been a voice of reason on many occasions...even if you do come off as a mad man screaming atop a mountain. Big Smile [:D]

    Thanks Guys, Ill respond more soon but i have just recieved word of my Mothers health deteiorating rapidly and I am headin back to Ohio in the next couple days it looks like, please keep my M

    Sorry to hear about your Mom's health, Oz. you and your family are in my prayers.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Brother Oz, glad to see you found your way back. How has life been treating you.

    During the whole episode with Joey I remember thinking "oh, there goes Ozzie being a grump", I didn't know what was going on and when I found out how bad it was I felt like an ass for not listening to you. I guess that whole thing taught me two lessons, one was to be more vigilant and the other was to look past the words and see the message. You've been a voice of reason on many occasions...even if you do come off as a mad man screaming atop a mountain. Big Smile [:D]

    Thanks Guys, Ill respond more soon but i have just recieved word of my Mothers health deteiorating rapidly and I am headin back to Ohio in the next couple days it looks like, please keep my M
    Hey Oz, if you find yourself coming thru the KC area on your travels be sure to let me know - we can hook up for a stress-reduction herf! Best wishes brother, hope all goes as well as it can.

  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Brother Oz, glad to see you found your way back. How has life been treating you.

    During the whole episode with Joey I remember thinking "oh, there goes Ozzie being a grump", I didn't know what was going on and when I found out how bad it was I felt like an ass for not listening to you. I guess that whole thing taught me two lessons, one was to be more vigilant and the other was to look past the words and see the message. You've been a voice of reason on many occasions...even if you do come off as a mad man screaming atop a mountain. Big Smile [:D]

    Thanks Guys, Ill respond more soon but i have just recieved word of my Mothers health deteiorating rapidly and I am headin back to Ohio in the next couple days it looks like, please keep my M

    Sorry to hear about your Mom's health, Oz. you and your family are in my prayers.

    You have my prayers as well.
  • MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
    Brother Oz, glad to see you found your way back. How has life been treating you.

    During the whole episode with Joey I remember thinking "oh, there goes Ozzie being a grump", I didn't know what was going on and when I found out how bad it was I felt like an ass for not listening to you. I guess that whole thing taught me two lessons, one was to be more vigilant and the other was to look past the words and see the message. You've been a voice of reason on many occasions...even if you do come off as a mad man screaming atop a mountain. Big Smile [:D]

    Thanks Guys, Ill respond more soon but i have just recieved word of my Mothers health deteiorating rapidly and I am headin back to Ohio in the next couple days it looks like, please keep my M

    Sorry to hear about your Mom's health, Oz. you and your family are in my prayers.

    You have my prayers as well.
    Thoughts are with ya Oz!
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    Hey Ozzie, my thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family.
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    maybe this wiill help rudy get through this,lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J659hiXiUbM
    You Sir will pay for that and pay you will!!

    ohh hill naww, please dont send those green thompsons!! send them to the kid he made me put that up there,, he double dogged dared me, what could i do ? lol
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    mike got me scared, can i send you a box and we can forget about this? lol
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    maybe this wiill help rudy get through this,lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J659hiXiUbM
    You Sir will pay for that and pay you will!!

    ohh hill naww, please dont send those green thompsons!! send them to the kid he made me put that up there,lol
    uhhh dont think so!!! jj time to take your medicine,,besides I got Rhamalam to worry bout,,lol
  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    That's it.. I'm gonna break my no using the the Top 3 I want to try thread and ask for
    1) Any and all greenies so I can bomb Jimmy.
    2) Any and all greenies so I can bomb Jimmy.
    3) Any and all greenies so I can bomb Jimmy.
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    look yall, money is tight so anything someone may send me will be as gift only,lmao
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
    look yall, money is tight so anything someone may send me will be as gift only,lmao


  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Uh, oh! I think JJ done got Mr. Tuccelli all riled up, hee hee. This oughta be good. :-)
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