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Ozzie Guillen

y2pascoey2pascoe Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,707


  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,739
    Eh? What did he say? What? Corn nuts and wha?...???
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
    Common and typical B effin S. Someone expresses their opinion, someone gets ass hurt....
  • y2pascoey2pascoe Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,707
    From a customer relations viewpoint, yeah, kind of a major faux pas. But that's what Ozzie does. And while I personally think he's a moron, he's never been afraid to put it all out there and in that regard I have a lot of respect for the guy. As far as the backlash, once again a fine example of America the Offended, and the media doing everything in its power to exacerbate the situation. It's not like he walked into the interview wearing green military fatigues and a Cohiba hanging out of his mouth singing Fidel Castro's praises. He spoke two lines in a candid interview, and now he's paying for that. I think a five day suspension is more than fair. But fired? Come on, give me a break. Go ahead and boycott the team if you feel it neccessary. Some people are marching on the Stadium. I have an idea for those people: GO TO WORK INSTEAD!. What's really ironic, is he was practicing a freedom in that interview that most of these immigrants came here to attain: The Freedom of Speech. Now they can use it all they want, there's just one catch. You're not allowed to hurt anyones feelings, because we're all pretty unique snowflakes and no one can ever tell us otherwise.

    BTW, Lets wait and see if Ozzie wins Miami a penant, and check back in with all these hurt feelings and see if everyone feels the same way.

    OK, that's my social/political rant for the quarter.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Ah yes, Ozzie Guillen... grew up watching him during his playing days in Chicago, helluva shortstop and team leader.

    Ozzie Guillen the manager? Classic case of a million dollar manager with a five-cent head.

    Dude certainly has the baseball acumen to win you a championship or two, and at the end of the day THAT'S WHAT HE'S PAID TO DO.

    That being said, the fact that Ozzie will NEVER answer ANY question with a lie or a tap-dancing BS response is both a blessing and a curse for team management. Which begs the question...

    After watching Ozzie "be Ozzie" in Chicago for how many seasons, what the he11 did the Florida / Miami / what are we calling ourselves now Marlins think they were gonna get??? This is who Ozzie is. Put him in a room full of Catholics, he's gonna crack a pope joke. Put him in a women's rights convention, he's gonna regale the crowd with blonde jokes. Put him in the middle of an AIDS benefit fundraiser, he's gonna crack on the gays.

    So when you drop him in Miami... and now Marlins management is going to be appalled and voice their righteous indignation? People please!!!

  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Sniper and Pasoe summed it up totally. Im a lifelong White Sox fan and grew up in Chicago watching Ozzie play----and he was a crazy S.O.B. then as he is now. Its why a vast majority of people find him so interesting...if not lovable. Its not like the Marlins fans have been loyal to the team prior to this-----so lets not use one stupid comment and make it seem like they used to fill the place like Wrigley Field and Ozzie is going to bring down the team. Nothings going to happen to Ozzie because he is the best manager for than job and that town, and this doesnt change that-----if anything it makes it better, because everyone likes to see a guy get up after he gets kicked around. The supposed context and what he meant wasnt too wrong I must say IMO-----you just cant say it. Marge Schott for the Reds was banned for making comments about Hitler than a true historian could see her point-----however "the masses are a$$es" and dont like what may hurt their ears. And truth be told, while the of course want the Cuban community to support the team and to make money from them------its the businesses and middle class white folk paying the majority of money to see our great American past time------yes I said it.
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