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seagarloverseagarlover Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 437
Need your help with some questions. (IF YOU HAVE TIME) 1] How many of U smoke Cigars and Cigarettes daily 2] how many of U smoke only Cigars 3] How many Cigars do U smoke in a average day I'm asking the questions because I'm having a very hard time with Cigarettes, I need to know if I'm alone in this struggle. Photobucket


  • Shaun.Harrison87Shaun.Harrison87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,971
    1-I smoke around 1-4 cigars a week with 2 being the average
    2-I only smoke cigars
    3-1-4 cigars a week, 2 on average for my B&M visit

    There are plenty of BotL here and on other forums who smoke both cigars and cigarettes, you are not alone in the sturuggle
  • bigfnstevebigfnsteve Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,290
    2- i only smoke cigars of which i smoke 2-3 a day. However i do dip snus (actual European stuff) but no cigarettes. Just started on the snus as a way to get off cope. So hopefully in the next few months ill just have this cigar addiction
  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    I smoked Marlboro reds for 20+ years. Quit about 5 years ago. I average a cigar a day during the week and 2-3 aday on weekends.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    not a cigarette smoker
    i smoke less than a cigar a day. i usually get 2-3 in a week at most.

  • skweekzskweekz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,218
    Cigars only. Sometimes 2 a day. Sometimes 2 a week. Depends on weather, work schedule, child/wife plans. I pretty much smoke one when I can find the time.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I haven't smoked a cigarette since 1980, and have no intention or desire to ever have one again.

    I enjoy, on average, 3 - 5 cigars a week, sometimes more, sometimes less.
  • ndhaon91ndhaon91 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 441
    No cigarettes. Used to smoke maybe 2-3 cigars a month. For the last year or so it's been more like a 5-10 cigars a week. It's become a bit concerning to me... I'd really like to get back to only smoking on the weekends.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    I smoke about 2-5 cigars per week, and no cigarettes (gave up about 3yrs ago and stull miss them when I drink or gamble)
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Never cigarettes; they're an abomination of tobacco. I can sometimes smoke 3-4 cigars a day, and then turn around the very next day and not smoke anything for a month - it's about the cigar and the experience, not the nicotine for me. Right now, I'm not smoking anything, having given up cigars for Lent, but before Lent I was smoking 1-3 a day out of boredom (looking for a job ain't fun). After Lent I'll probably go back to smoking one or two cigars a week

    Ask around, there are a lot of ex-cigarette smokers on these boards who have seen the light to enjoying tobacco but not being addicted to it

  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    "...Ask around, there are a lot of ex-cigarette smokers on these boards who have seen the light to enjoying tobacco but not being addicted to it..."

    Too bad the zealots in the anti-tobacco crowd will never acknowledge that fact.
  • Un_SubUn_Sub Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 210
    I smoke cigars and cigarettes. I smoke about 2 packs of cigs a day and 3-5 cigars a week. Trying to replace the cigs with cigars but it isn't going too well! I'm having trouble kicking the 35 year habit!
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Haven't smoked a cigarette in over 17 years. I usually enjoy 1 cigar per day, sometimes (rarely) 2. As for quitting cigarettes, you'll find it's a lot easier right after your first heart attack. Then, if you're stupid like I was, you'll smoke'em for another few years - right up until your bypass surgery. After that, cold-turkey is a piece of cake.

    Hope this info helps you make the right decision.
  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    As you can tell from the responses thus far - you are not alone.
    Marty provided you a candid first-hand experience - mildly sugar-coated though, because Marty is a gentlemen!

    You can do it................and you'll be glad you did...........your wallet will thank you as well.

  • big chunksbig chunks Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,607
    I only smoke cigars, and I smoke about about 8-10 a week
  • MephistoMephisto Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 508
    I smoked cigarettes for almost twenty years and finally quit 4 or 5 years ago--now I smoke 1-3 cigars a day with the occasional day off.
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    Initially, when I started smoking cigar I quit smoking cigarettes but started again. Like any other federal buildings we are not allowed to smoke inside the office area. However, luckily our embassy compound is huge so we can walk away from the administrative area and smoke cigarettes. My plan was to smoke cigar after launch but didn't work that way. people complained few times that I smell like smoking cigar(even after brushing my teeth) so I started smoking cigarette again. I do not enjoy cigarette but my body ask for nicotine. maybe lame excuse but I would really like to stop smoking cigarette. About cigar, I smoke at least once a day after dinner but smoke 3-4 during weekend.
  • Steve2010Steve2010 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,036
    Smoked cigs for 15+ years and quit in 06 after I got back from Iraq.
    Strictly cigars now, 2-4 a day, depending on my schedule.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    1) I smoke cigars daily.

    2) Cigars only, no cigarettes.

    3) 4-5 cigars a day, 0 cigarettes.

  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    Never smoked cigarettes

    Cigars only, and the number/week depends on season

    Winter; 1 a week
    Summer; 1 - 5 / week

  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Cigs for 18 years....
    quit when i tasted my first premium.
    If possible, i like to have a cigar following meals. Weekends are nicotine fests for me.
  • seagarloverseagarlover Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 437
    ***************************THANK YOU*************************************** All of U Thank's for taking the time to help me with my dilema, I quit smoking Cigarettes on Dec 1 2011 and I was doing great, I always wanted to be a full blown C'GAR SMOKER. One day I made the mistake of walking outside of my AA meeting, all the Cigarette smoking out on a break, before I new it I was lighting up a smoke, I'm so pissed at my self. I keep it from my wife, she has no idea I started back again. I tell her I'm going to the matket or i need some ice cream, and then I sit in my car and smoke two or three, one after the other, and then I light up a PUNCH so I smell like CIGARS when I get home. I'm getting sick and tired of all the work it takes in telling her stories, I have over $350.00 in C'GARS and it makes me angry at my self for falling off the smoke wagon. I love C'GARS so much but to me they don't give you the same feeling as CIGARETTES. I need to knock this *** off now. Thanks again, Photobucket
  • seagarloverseagarlover Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 437
    rzaman, Thank You for tellling me your story, sounds like your in the same jam I am, WE NEED TO QUIT SMOKING CIGS. When I read about how Cigars are made and all the time that is put into crafting some of the most AWESOME sticks ever, it takes over my whole body, the love and the art in rolling a CIGAR, the years it takes to grow the perfect leaf for the wrapper,binder, filler. WHY DO WE SMOKE THESE STUPID CIGS. LET'S U AND I STOP NOW
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    Do not be so hard on yourself. I did the same with my wife. she was so happy to know that I stopped smoking cigarettes that she came up with the idea to have my own Man Cave. She even brought a leather couch set and decorated the cave. She knew that I love good drinks. She ordered couple vintage bottles for me. So finally when I started the game with her, I felt bad. Oneday I told her the truth that I started smoking cigarettes again. she was upset and sad but she immediately accepted my apology and told me that I don't have to lie or hide anything from her. She said we need to figure out another way to quit smoking cigarettes. we are working on it.
    ***************************THANK YOU*************************************** All of U Thank's for taking the time to help me with my dilema, I quit smoking Cigarettes on Dec 1 2011 and I was doing great, I always wanted to be a full blown C'GAR SMOKER. One day I made the mistake of walking outside of my AA meeting, all the Cigarette smoking out on a break, before I new it I was lighting up a smoke, I'm so pissed at my self. I keep it from my wife, she has no idea I started back again. I tell her I'm going to the matket or i need some ice cream, and then I sit in my car and smoke two or three, one after the other, and then I light up a PUNCH so I smell like CIGARS when I get home. I'm getting sick and tired of all the work it takes in telling her stories, I have over $350.00 in C'GARS and it makes me angry at my self for falling off the smoke wagon. I love C'GARS so much but to me they don't give you the same feeling as CIGARETTES. I need to knock this *** off now. Thanks again, Photobucket
  • Katt68Katt68 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 124
    I being a SoTL, I LOVE smoking cigars. I usually smoke 1-5 a day, depending on the season, winter 1-2, summer at the lake 1-5. ONLY CIGAR. I went to Nicaragua in Jan with my husband and the shop we go to we smoked 8-10 a day for 4 days. MAN THAT WAS A GREAT TRIP!!!
  • kingdavid5kingdavid5 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 293
    Never smoked a cig in my life I smoked about 2-3 cigars a day usually in the morning cause imma delivery driver and drive allot and usually have one on my way back in to my facility and if I have a big meal and get home early I'll have one after dinner. Imma cigar junkie
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Smoked Cigarettes for 15+ years. Quit smoking about 20 years ago now.

    I smoke 2 cigars a day sometimes 3 depending on what I am doing or what other cigars I have smoked already that day.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    "...Ask around, there are a lot of ex-cigarette smokers on these boards who have seen the light to enjoying tobacco but not being addicted to it..."

    Too bad the zealots in the anti-tobacco crowd will never acknowledge that fact.

    + 1
  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    I quit with my buddy George. He had been a smoker way longer than me. I quit in time, George found out he had lung cancer a few months later. Watching him go through all the treatments and seeing this big strong genuine tough guy turn into frail weak man made sure I'll never pick up another cig in my life.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Never smoked cigs . When I could smoke cigars at work a couple years ago I probably smoked 2-3 a day and averaged about 12-15 a week . Now , with a lotta things going on its when I have the time and I know I usually won't be interrupted . Probably averaging 3-5 per week right now .
  • seagarloverseagarlover Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 437
    Got my answer, thanks again all of U No one needs to reply back, if U want great, But no need, Thank's Again SEAGARLOVER SIMI VALLEY, CA
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