Cohiba Cigar
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 406
I just bought a Cohiba Cigar @ my local cigar shope....the label looks identical to those of Cuba with the exception that it does not say "habana" it says REPUBLICA DOMINICANA...i have yet to see one online or a picture of one. Has anyone had one like the one i purchased?? I puzzled
I have one of those, it has a black band and a red dot, I think that's pretty standard, but I am not sure, Robert
"Happiness is a long ash".
What you have is a red dot cohiba... It's a legit brand, but not affiliated with the cuban cohiba... And yes, some of their sticks do have black lettering with a tannish/yellowish (though not nearly as yellow as a real cohiba)... In truth they really don't look anything like a legit isom...
They are a decent smoke, but not one of my favorites... and CERTAINLY nothing like a legit cohiba...
I mean... if someone is going to go to the trouble to print their own counterfeit band, wouldn't you expect them to, at the very least, put the right words on it? If it says "Republica Dominicana" on it, can it even really be considered a counterfeit Cuban?
Again.. same thing here
I mean, it's nice to think that counterfeiters are just a bunch of complete morons. But even if you've exhaustively studied the band on your cigar, the only way to REALLY know it's an authentic Cuban would be to purchase it from one of the authorized retailers of Cuban cigars, and then smoke it. I mean, if we're banking on low-quality reproductions in bands as being our clue to the authenticity of a cigar, perhaps we could learn a thing or two from the people who have been identifying counterfeit currency. It seems that if somebody wanted to take the extra few hours, and spend the extra couple grand, they'd get a perfect reproduction on the band.
I guess i shouldve clarified earlier...the legitimate non-cuban Cohiba company (General Cigar Company Inc.) doesnt use that wrapper ever, what you said is entirely possible and very believable. And as far as im concerned, your B&M still tried to scam you unless they were very upfront about what was going on. When people buy a non-cuban cohiba, they're expecting a General Cigar Company cohiba brand cigar, not gaming people around with a knockoff.
thank you for lookin that up.