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Minnosota tobacco tax

Rail JockeyRail Jockey Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 758
Just stopped by a local B&M in St. Paul, MN, they had a good selection, and the owner was a cool guy. looked around for a while, talking to the guys there and then i found my cigars. Pickd up two My Father 1922 Le Bijou's and an LFD Airbender at the suggestion of some of the BOTLs here. The shop was cool, but pretty high. The owner told me that Minnosota has a 70% tax on all tobacco products. Inmo that is nuts! What happened to Free Enterprise? I guess it is still there but just not toofree any longer! ThankGod for ccom!


  • ShotgunJohnShotgunJohn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,539
    What is so sad is that as we all know cigarettes are garbage and cigars are awesome. The government is so hypocritical they love Tax revenue from tobacco, but they want to support encouraging people to quit. Picture what would happen if no one in the US purchased tobacco products for a month, the Federal and State governments would be sh!tting themseleves at the loss of revenue. This is why CCOM is the greatest.
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