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Bird feeding/Bird watching

SaVasSaVas Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 250
Anyone else into feeding birds? Even though I live in the city, there are a few older trees in back that lend shelter to various birds, an while urban dwelling does not lead to many varieties, there is something about relaxing on my back porch watching birds at the feeders or getting wet in the bird bath.

Mainly what I see in the city are pigeons, mourning doves, house sparrows, starlings, house finches, robins (which in the spring the robins wake me up on my days off at 3am almost like clockwork with their song), but occasionally I see ruby throat hummingbirds, dark eyed juncos (winter bird in Missouri), goldfinches, several pairs of cardinals, brown creepers (rare in the city), and when I put the feeders out initially many moons ago, they attracted a juvenile Cooper's hawk, who from time to time shows up out of the blue and has a love of pigeons. Last year he decimated a pigeon on top of my car. It looked like a bloody murder on my car's roof. Feathers, guts, a wing, feet, head, and of course I was late for work that day, so couldnt rinse it off.

There is something peaceful about waking in the morning with a cup of coffee, a good mild/med cigar and my feathered friends fluttering about. I can sit outside for hours watching them and feel like I have not a care in the world while I puff away at a cigar or three.


  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,739
    Sounds like a relaxing experience. I'd like to try that.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    I tried it. Feeders pond, etc. Lasted 2 years. Damn birds would sh*t all over everything. My truck seem to be their favorite spot. Oh, and if the squirrels find out how to get to it, disaster.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    I tried it. Feeders pond, etc. Lasted 2 years. Damn birds would sh*t all over everything. My truck seem to be their favorite spot. Oh, and if the squirrels find out how to get to it, disaster.

    Yep! Been there, done that. You forgot to mention that the seed that gets scattered on the ground piles up, rots, and contributes to the stink. And blue jays..... Don't even get me started on those bastidges. I feed 'em .177 pellets, now. Hateful MF's......
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    We are the local costco of bird feeders in my backyard. You can those birds for blocks, it's pretty crazy the noise. It got to one point, that the doves would not move if you walked within two feet of them. I have a 20x40 side yard, with a gate on each end of the 40 side. I could walk end to end and the doves would just watch me. I got within 2 feet of them....we scaled it down once the falcon started eating birds on the fence.
  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    I don't feed them in the yard, but when I'm out fishing/camping, I do my best.


    I have 2 Green Cheek conures that sit outside with me in the morning for coffee on the warm days, and of course my dog. I don't leave food outside for the birds because of the bear problem...I have had bears on my deck at the patio door even without food around.

    This Godlen Pheasant walked in front of my house last fall. Not native to here so no idea where it came from


  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Love the hummingbirds , have a couple feeders for them .
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    I tried it. Feeders pond, etc. Lasted 2 years. Damn birds would sh*t all over everything. My truck seem to be their favorite spot. Oh, and if the squirrels find out how to get to it, disaster.

    Yep! Been there, done that. You forgot to mention that the seed that gets scattered on the ground piles up, rots, and contributes to the stink. And blue jays..... Don't even get me started on those bastidges. I feed 'em .177 pellets, now. Hateful MF's......

    You sir are the Rambo of the war on birds.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    I tried it. Feeders pond, etc. Lasted 2 years. Damn birds would sh*t all over everything. My truck seem to be their favorite spot. Oh, and if the squirrels find out how to get to it, disaster.

    Yep! Been there, done that. You forgot to mention that the seed that gets scattered on the ground piles up, rots, and contributes to the stink. And blue jays..... Don't even get me started on those bastidges. I feed 'em .177 pellets, now. Hateful MF's......

    You sir are the Rambo of the war on birds.

    Well, sir, if you've watched as many of those dog-in-the-manger SOB's mess up everything for all the other birds as I have, I doubt you'd still find me so reprehensible. If they can't eat it or get to it to eat themselves, they'll either crap in it or chase all the other birds away. They're just plain despicable. I've watched jays do these things time and time again. I know they're protected by the songbird act as well as other various laws, but I doubt they're watching my backyard to keep me from potting the little bastidges whenever I can. Maybe I should stop pussyfooting around and say what I REALLY think of 'em, eh? LOL
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    I tried it. Feeders pond, etc. Lasted 2 years. Damn birds would sh*t all over everything. My truck seem to be their favorite spot. Oh, and if the squirrels find out how to get to it, disaster.

    Yep! Been there, done that. You forgot to mention that the seed that gets scattered on the ground piles up, rots, and contributes to the stink. And blue jays..... Don't even get me started on those bastidges. I feed 'em .177 pellets, now. Hateful MF's......

    You sir are the Rambo of the war on birds.

    Well, sir, if you've watched as many of those dog-in-the-manger SOB's mess up everything for all the other birds as I have, I doubt you'd still find me so reprehensible. If they can't eat it or get to it to eat themselves, they'll either crap in it or chase all the other birds away. They're just plain despicable. I've watched jays do these things time and time again. I know they're protected by the songbird act as well as other various laws, but I doubt they're watching my backyard to keep me from potting the little bastidges whenever I can. Maybe I should stop pussyfooting around and say what I REALLY think of 'em, eh? LOL

    I feel that you sir are A modern day hero. You do what we all would like too do, but we lack the Rambo quality that makes you famous. Wage war for all of us who would like to but can not for various reasons.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    I tried it. Feeders pond, etc. Lasted 2 years. Damn birds would sh*t all over everything. My truck seem to be their favorite spot. Oh, and if the squirrels find out how to get to it, disaster.

    Yep! Been there, done that. You forgot to mention that the seed that gets scattered on the ground piles up, rots, and contributes to the stink. And blue jays..... Don't even get me started on those bastidges. I feed 'em .177 pellets, now. Hateful MF's......

    You sir are the Rambo of the war on birds.

    Well, sir, if you've watched as many of those dog-in-the-manger SOB's mess up everything for all the other birds as I have, I doubt you'd still find me so reprehensible. If they can't eat it or get to it to eat themselves, they'll either crap in it or chase all the other birds away. They're just plain despicable. I've watched jays do these things time and time again. I know they're protected by the songbird act as well as other various laws, but I doubt they're watching my backyard to keep me from potting the little bastidges whenever I can. Maybe I should stop pussyfooting around and say what I REALLY think of 'em, eh? LOL

    I feel that you sir are A modern day hero. You do what we all would like too do, but we lack the Rambo quality that makes you famous. Wage war for all of us who would like to but can not for various reasons.

    You're yanking my chain, right? LOL. :-)
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    I thought brown creepers were common in the city. :)
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    I thought brown creepers were common in the city. :)

    Yeah, I grew up in the city and, believe me, there are creepers of many colors there. I much prefer small town life.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    I tried it. Feeders pond, etc. Lasted 2 years. Damn birds would sh*t all over everything. My truck seem to be their favorite spot. Oh, and if the squirrels find out how to get to it, disaster.

    Yep! Been there, done that. You forgot to mention that the seed that gets scattered on the ground piles up, rots, and contributes to the stink. And blue jays..... Don't even get me started on those bastidges. I feed 'em .177 pellets, now. Hateful MF's......

    You sir are the Rambo of the war on birds.

    Well, sir, if you've watched as many of those dog-in-the-manger SOB's mess up everything for all the other birds as I have, I doubt you'd still find me so reprehensible. If they can't eat it or get to it to eat themselves, they'll either crap in it or chase all the other birds away. They're just plain despicable. I've watched jays do these things time and time again. I know they're protected by the songbird act as well as other various laws, but I doubt they're watching my backyard to keep me from potting the little bastidges whenever I can. Maybe I should stop pussyfooting around and say what I REALLY think of 'em, eh? LOL

    I feel that you sir are A modern day hero. You do what we all would like too do, but we lack the Rambo quality that makes you famous. Wage war for all of us who would like to but can not for various reasons.

    You're yanking my chain, right? LOL. :-)

    I figure that A bird in the frying pan is worth two flying around. You do eat what you kill don't you? Wild bird with A orange glaze served with A baked potato is A mighty fine supper.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    ....... I feed squirrels.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    ....... I feed squirrels.

    Squirrel dumplings. Now that's A mighty fine meal all by it's self. Ever tried it?
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    ....... I feed squirrels.

    Squirrel dumplings. Now that's A mighty fine meal all by it's self. Ever tried it?
    Squirrel gumbo, i've eaten it several times. Good stuff.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    You do eat what you kill don't you? .

    In most instances, yes. I believe in that. In the case of blue jays, crows, and magpies, however, no I don't. I've seen the kind of things they'll eat and I wouldn't eat any of these birds any more than I'd eat a seagull. Would you? It's my opinion that eating any of these wouldn't be any different that eating a buzzard.

    You may ask how that would be any different than eating bear meat... a bear being an omnivore, much like the trash-eating birds mentioned. I'd point out that a bear's principal diet changes somewhat based on the season and that proper care of the meat could make it more palatable. I don't believe the same could be said for crows, jays, and magpies.

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy most birds. I put out feeders for the hummers and I'm ecstatic if a family of mockingbirds moves into the neighborhood. I love listening to them while on my patio with a stogie. Had a couple families of 'em until the f'ng bluejays chased 'em all away.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    You do eat what you kill don't you? .

    In most instances, yes. I believe in that. In the case of blue jays, crows, and magpies, however, no I don't. I've seen the kind of things they'll eat and I wouldn't eat any of these birds any more than I'd eat a seagull. Would you? It's my opinion that eating any of these wouldn't be any different that eating a buzzard.

    You may ask how that would be any different than eating bear meat... a bear being an omnivore, much like the trash-eating birds mentioned. I'd point out that a bear's principal diet changes somewhat based on the season and that proper care of the meat could make it more palatable. I don't believe the same could be said for crows, jays, and magpies.

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy most birds. I put out feeders for the hummers and I'm ecstatic if a family of mockingbirds moves into the neighborhood. I love listening to them while on my patio with a stogie. Had a couple families of 'em until the f'ng bluejays chased 'em all away.
    I agree with JL. Jays are just downright mean. And they aren't even worth eating. Tonight, I'm working on a raccoon that keeps harassing the dog and getting into my shed. I'd rather chase him away but he has been very consistent. You call animal control in these parts and they laugh.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Tonight, I'm working on a raccoon that keeps harassing the dog and getting into my shed. I'd rather chase him away but he has been very consistent. You call animal control in these parts and they laugh.

    If you have access to one of those 'Havahart' type of traps just trap the l'il bastidge and haul him about 30 miles away and turn him loose. I've got one and it works like a charm.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Tonight, I'm working on a raccoon that keeps harassing the dog and getting into my shed. I'd rather chase him away but he has been very consistent. You call animal control in these parts and they laugh.

    If you have access to one of those 'Havahart' type of traps just trap the l'il bastidge and haul him about 30 miles away and turn him loose. I've got one and it works like a charm.
    Little bustard tore open an eave screen and got in the attic.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Tonight, I'm working on a raccoon that keeps harassing the dog and getting into my shed. I'd rather chase him away but he has been very consistent. You call animal control in these parts and they laugh.

    If you have access to one of those 'Havahart' type of traps just trap the l'il bastidge and haul him about 30 miles away and turn him loose. I've got one and it works like a charm.
    Little bustard tore open an eave screen and got in the attic.

    They're opportunistic little buggers, aren't they? Where I live, animal control will lend out traps for a week at a time. Ya s'pose they do the same in your area? I bought my own but borrowed them before that.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Tonight, I'm working on a raccoon that keeps harassing the dog and getting into my shed. I'd rather chase him away but he has been very consistent. You call animal control in these parts and they laugh.

    If you have access to one of those 'Havahart' type of traps just trap the l'il bastidge and haul him about 30 miles away and turn him loose. I've got one and it works like a charm.
    Little bustard tore open an eave screen and got in the attic.

    They're opportunistic little buggers, aren't they? Where I live, animal control will lend out traps for a week at a time. Ya s'pose they do the same in your area? I bought my own but borrowed them before that.
    Thanks for the tip. I'll see if they will lend me one.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Tonight, I'm working on a raccoon that keeps harassing the dog and getting into my shed. I'd rather chase him away but he has been very consistent. You call animal control in these parts and they laugh.

    If you have access to one of those 'Havahart' type of traps just trap the l'il bastidge and haul him about 30 miles away and turn him loose. I've got one and it works like a charm.
    Little bustard tore open an eave screen and got in the attic.

    They're opportunistic little buggers, aren't they? Where I live, animal control will lend out traps for a week at a time. Ya s'pose they do the same in your area? I bought my own but borrowed them before that.
    Thanks for the tip. I'll see if they will lend me one.
    These little basturds are also very nasty to cats and dogs.

    My cat "cubber" (the one in my avatar) has got into fights twice with Racoons. He used to think he was the king of the neighbourhood until he ran into Racoons. Cost me a couple hundred bucks TWICE to have him sewn up at the vet's after both times. These buggers have good sized teeth on them, and can be vicious when cornered.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    ....... I feed squirrels.

    Squirrel dumplings. Now that's A mighty fine meal all by it's self. Ever tried it?
    Squirrel gumbo, i've eaten it several times. Good stuff.
    Sad day when you have to eat squirrels. Rats have more meat on them.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Tonight, I'm working on a raccoon that keeps harassing the dog and getting into my shed. I'd rather chase him away but he has been very consistent. You call animal control in these parts and they laugh.

    If you have access to one of those 'Havahart' type of traps just trap the l'il bastidge and haul him about 30 miles away and turn him loose. I've got one and it works like a charm.
    Little bustard tore open an eave screen and got in the attic.

    They're opportunistic little buggers, aren't they? Where I live, animal control will lend out traps for a week at a time. Ya s'pose they do the same in your area? I bought my own but borrowed them before that.
    Thanks for the tip. I'll see if they will lend me one.
    These little basturds are also very nasty to cats and dogs.

    My cat "cubber" (the one in my avatar) has got into fights twice with Racoons. He used to think he was the king of the neighbourhood until he ran into Racoons. Cost me a couple hundred bucks TWICE to have him sewn up at the vet's after both times. These buggers have good sized teeth on them, and can be vicious when cornered.
    So the coon won aye?

    I had a couple of raccoons around my area, and after I found out they were hitting up my porch and nesting under it, I got some trap and trapped them. I took them out near the woods (about 10 miles away) and dropped them off. My wife wanted me to kill them but I cant, they are really cute. Dangerous yes, but cute. Damn things were trying to attack me when I let them out.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Tonight, I'm working on a raccoon that keeps harassing the dog and getting into my shed. I'd rather chase him away but he has been very consistent. You call animal control in these parts and they laugh.

    If you have access to one of those 'Havahart' type of traps just trap the l'il bastidge and haul him about 30 miles away and turn him loose. I've got one and it works like a charm.
    Little bustard tore open an eave screen and got in the attic.

    They're opportunistic little buggers, aren't they? Where I live, animal control will lend out traps for a week at a time. Ya s'pose they do the same in your area? I bought my own but borrowed them before that.
    Thanks for the tip. I'll see if they will lend me one.
    These little basturds are also very nasty to cats and dogs.

    My cat "cubber" (the one in my avatar) has got into fights twice with Racoons. He used to think he was the king of the neighbourhood until he ran into Racoons. Cost me a couple hundred bucks TWICE to have him sewn up at the vet's after both times. These buggers have good sized teeth on them, and can be vicious when cornered.
    So the coon won aye?

    I had a couple of raccoons around my area, and after I found out they were hitting up my porch and nesting under it, I got some trap and trapped them. I took them out near the woods (about 10 miles away) and dropped them off. My wife wanted me to kill them but I cant, they are really cute. Dangerous yes, but cute. Damn things were trying to attack me when I let them out.
    Mano y Racoono.
    He will be vanquished.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    ....... I feed squirrels.

    Squirrel dumplings. Now that's A mighty fine meal all by it's self. Ever tried it?
    Squirrel gumbo, i've eaten it several times. Good stuff.
    Sad day when you have to eat squirrels. Rats have more meat on them.

    But how do they taste? :-)
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    And yes I've been jesting about eating birds, squirrels and rats. I have A soft spot for all creatures including the pesky ones. I feed year round including several food plots for deer, rabbit and turkey. I do hunt but only for trophy class animals. These I consume because I don't believe in wasting any part of A animal I choose to harvest.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    And yes I've been jesting about eating birds, squirrels and rats. I do however believe in feeding the less fortunate of the small animals especially the birds. I take great joy in watching their antics. Were fortunate in having A large variety of birds including Blue Birds in our immediate area. Ever see vulchers nesting? I have and even had the opportunity to photograph the eggs to the fledgling of the young Vulchers.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Let's not confuse blue jays with blue birds, Rodney. Whole different beast.
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