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Silly Wars...

clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
....as promised on the WoW thread. Ready.... Go!


  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    All wars are silly to some extent. But some, I regretfully must say, are indeed necessary.
    I've often pondered this question. I've never reached A conclusion though.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    World of Warcraft?
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    World of Warcraft?

    Even the games our children take part in corrupts they're young minds and teaches them war is A excepted part of our society. Shame on all of us. We should be better than this. I for one will have no part of such atrocities.

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    I agree with you on this. Our society (US) is okay with violence, so much so in fact but sex we are in the 1800's. Even with a lot of things our country seems to be slipping to a bunch of no nothings. Teaching has gone to sh*t, news has gone to sh*t, and personalities and commentating has taken over our media. Even when our country was pushing for War there was not critical thinking from the media. Then with the new Iran thing, the experts are saying it's nuts but the people who are calling for bombing are getting the headlines. WAR is not the answer 99% of the time. Especially when a country is saying it's too broke for domestic issues but is all about bombs and invading and WAR. F*ucked up..
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    I agree with you on this. Our society (US) is okay with violence, so much so in fact but sex we are in the 1800's. Even with a lot of things our country seems to be slipping to a bunch of no nothings. Teaching has gone to sh*t, news has gone to sh*t, and personalities and commentating has taken over our media. Even when our country was pushing for War there was not critical thinking from the media. Then with the new Iran thing, the experts are saying it's nuts but the people who are calling for bombing are getting the headlines. WAR is not the answer 99% of the time. Especially when a country is saying it's too broke for domestic issues but is all about bombs and invading and WAR. F*ucked up..

    Agreed. More should be done for the people in desperate need in this country.
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    I agree with you on this. Our society (US) is okay with violence, so much so in fact but sex we are in the 1800's. Even with a lot of things our country seems to be slipping to a bunch of no nothings. Teaching has gone to sh*t, news has gone to sh*t, and personalities and commentating has taken over our media. Even when our country was pushing for War there was not critical thinking from the media. Then with the new Iran thing, the experts are saying it's nuts but the people who are calling for bombing are getting the headlines. WAR is not the answer 99% of the time. Especially when a country is saying it's too broke for domestic issues but is all about bombs and invading and WAR. F*ucked up..

    Agreed. More should be done for the people in desperate need in this country.
    I must say, this time the Squirrel has hit the nail squarely on the head! The other thing is, isn't the object of war to WIN? Kick their ass, stop the madness, go home and get over it! Eternal war has become a reality not only in terms of combat, but the social agendas being referred to by Clearly Suspect, as well. War! Huh! What is it good for...?
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Where have you gone wise words of Dwight Eisenhower?
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Amos Umwhat:
    I agree with you on this. Our society (US) is okay with violence, so much so in fact but sex we are in the 1800's. Even with a lot of things our country seems to be slipping to a bunch of no nothings. Teaching has gone to sh*t, news has gone to sh*t, and personalities and commentating has taken over our media. Even when our country was pushing for War there was not critical thinking from the media. Then with the new Iran thing, the experts are saying it's nuts but the people who are calling for bombing are getting the headlines. WAR is not the answer 99% of the time. Especially when a country is saying it's too broke for domestic issues but is all about bombs and invading and WAR. F*ucked up..

    Agreed. More should be done for the people in desperate need in this country.
    I must say, this time the Squirrel has hit the nail squarely on the head! The other thing is, isn't the object of war to WIN? Kick their ass, stop the madness, go home and get over it! Eternal war has become a reality not only in terms of combat, but the social agendas being referred to by Clearly Suspect, as well. War! Huh! What is it good for...?

    Great post. Instead of getting us into more wars why not finish at least one. Then we wouldn't have to spend billions on wasted endeavors. We would then at least be taken seriously in the worlds eye. Man up or pull out.

    I know, that's what she said........:-)
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    Amos Umwhat:
    I agree with you on this. Our society (US) is okay with violence, so much so in fact but sex we are in the 1800's. Even with a lot of things our country seems to be slipping to a bunch of no nothings. Teaching has gone to sh*t, news has gone to sh*t, and personalities and commentating has taken over our media. Even when our country was pushing for War there was not critical thinking from the media. Then with the new Iran thing, the experts are saying it's nuts but the people who are calling for bombing are getting the headlines. WAR is not the answer 99% of the time. Especially when a country is saying it's too broke for domestic issues but is all about bombs and invading and WAR. F*ucked up..

    Agreed. More should be done for the people in desperate need in this country.
    I must say, this time the Squirrel has hit the nail squarely on the head! The other thing is, isn't the object of war to WIN? Kick their ass, stop the madness, go home and get over it! Eternal war has become a reality not only in terms of combat, but the social agendas being referred to by Clearly Suspect, as well. War! Huh! What is it good for...?

    Great post. Instead of getting us into more wars why not finish at least one. Then we wouldn't have to spend billions on wasted endeavors. We would then at least be taken seriously in the worlds eye. Man up or pull out.

    I know, that's what she said........:-)
    One thing I've actually given, and actually a lot of conservatives I know, have given Obama credit for is that he doesn't take a lot of prisoners. There are people on our hit list. When he finds out where they are, he doesn't start a big battle. He takes them out quickly with drones. If I were President, this is how the entire war in Afghanistan would have went down:

    1.) Announce to Afghanistan leaders that Osama Bin Laden is and has been in their country for quite some time.
    2.) Move Carrier Air Groups into position near the country. Patrol all waterless borders with drones.
    3.) Announce to Afghanistan leaders that THEY will find and produce Osama Bin Laden.
    4.) Cut off all sources of trade and communication with rest of the world until this is accomplished! Bomb anything that tries to cross the border.

    This process would have taken no more than 60 days. Who knows the country and how to find someone better than the people who live there!
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Amos Umwhat:
    I like that!
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    On a different note from my last post. I was wondering the other day what the next silly war will be? I personally hope the homosexuals rise up and start attacking people who suppress their rights as citizens. Any politician who supports keeping them as second class citizens should be dragged out of the homes into the streets and tarred and feathered! I wouldn't mind seeing this at all. I just love how they can be in the military now, but they still can't get married in most states. "Here's a gun! You can hate and kill and die all you want! You can only love who we tell you though!"

    I think mass transit of information is so incredible these days that it's getting harder and harder for our politicians to sneak stuff past us any more. They used to just tell us that "communists are evil" and "you're supporting the war effort" and people would just kind of fall in line and feel patriotic. I think that's why they're hanging onto these last two wars with everything they can, because with so many BS sniffers out there these days and everyone so socially, electrically connected, they're just not sure when and how they'll be able to start a new one! Problem solved! We'll just start some right here at home!
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    " start attacking people who suppress their rights as citizens." "What rights are you tailing about?" What is a right? How is it defined? Define your terms. Cordially.
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    Our society has been mentioned in this thread but how many of you or your children have seen death up close. Not talking about Granny or some Deer but actual brutal violent death, in your own country outside your doorstep. Until you think about the atrocities that happen in Africa, the kidnapping and using of women and children as human shields in Afghanistan, or the widespread death and destruction in Haiti where bodies were piled on streets, you haven't seen anything. We talk about "our country is bad about..... ( insert here) " but at the end of the day, be grateful our children have it so much better here than a lot of places.
  • christian1971christian1971 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 392
    I have thankfully never been in a war. I do watch youtube which shows some very graphic videos of actual wars (Bosnia, Chechnya, Russia, Africa...). The brutality is unbelievable. People getting their necks cuts and so forth. I know youtube is "tv" but it is still shocking. One poor sould was being held down, and his necks slached and stabbed. After all that he still tried to get away.All because he was wearing a cross. This happened during the Russian and Chechnyan conflict.
  • Knoxca1Knoxca1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 147
    The US has not been in a war since WWII.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    The US has not been in a war since WWII.
    Not sure if your statement is partial or slap in the face to our soldiers.
    If it's the first explain, if it's the later f**k off.

  • Knoxca1Knoxca1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 147
    Last time congress declared war was in WWII. All other engagements they have authorized military force or police action. If they let the military wage war it would have been over years ago.
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    Last time congress declared war was in WWII. All other engagements they have authorized military force or police action. If they let the military wage war it would have been over years ago.
    This reminds me of an old Doonesbury cartoon about the "secret" bombings in Cambodia. A reporter is interviewing a couple of farmers in a rice paddy about it, the farmer looks incredulous and says: "Secret Bombing? It wasn't any secret here! I said, look Mother, here come the bombs!", his wife nods and adds: "It's true, he did!"

    So, while the war powers act is perfectly appropriate if we're being attacked I'm thinking it's way past time to stop allowing Presidents to cart our soldiers of to wars, er, police-actions, interventions, nation building exercises, profit seeking adventures.

    We've become like the huge stupid kid on the playground. We could kick anybody's ass, but instead a bunch of little bullies are taking advantage of our stupidity, sending us charging off on various hopeless quests, and taking our lunch money in the process.
    While it's probably true that we could beat anybody, we CAN'T beat everybody. And every idiot running for President wants us to go to war with Iran, possibly Syria, or anyone else that they think will get enough stupid people to vote for them. I've got to stop now, haven't had my blood pressure medicine yet. Or enough coffee to be sure I'm lucid enough to opine...
    War, sheesh! Police actions my big ole butt!
  • Knoxca1Knoxca1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 147
    Amos Umwhat:
    Last time congress declared war was in WWII. All other engagements they have authorized military force or police action. If they let the military wage war it would have been over years ago.

    So, while the war powers act is perfectly appropriate if we're being attacked I'm thinking it's way past time to stop allowing Presidents to cart our soldiers of to wars, er, police-actions, interventions, nation building exercises, profit seeking adventures.

    Exactly. It's difficult to declare war, as it should be. The war powers act has been used to get around that.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Last time congress declared war was in WWII. All other engagements they have authorized military force or police action. If they let the military wage war it would have been over years ago.
    OH you mean technically (or legally)... cool cause for a sec I was like hope this guy isn't slighting the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform.

  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    The only truly “silly war” involving the US that I can think of would be the “Pig War” between the US and Great Britain; a dispute just prior to the Civil War over the territorial boundary of the San Juan Islands in the Pacific N.W of Puget Sound. It began on the big Island of San Juan when a pig owned by a British settler kept getting into the garden of an American farmer. The American warned the Britt to keep the pig out of his garden, but his pleas were ignored. Finally, the pig was killed, and, because the border between the US and Great Britain was not yet settled, both sides “rushed” troops to the island, and fixed fortifications were constructed. However, no shots were ever fired, and the Officers from both camps would host parties for each other on “neutral ground” between the two encampments. Finally, the border dispute was settled by Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, who arbitrated the dispute. One footnote to this footnote of a “war” is that General George Pickett, who later would lead the infamous “Picket’s Charge” for the Confederate forces at Gettysburg was the Commander of the American forces on San Juan Island during the “Pig War”.
  • Knoxca1Knoxca1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 147
    Last time congress declared war was in WWII. All other engagements they have authorized military force or police action. If they let the military wage war it would have been over years ago.
    OH you mean technically (or legally)... cool cause for a sec I was like hope this guy isn't slighting the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform.

    Oh, I'd never do that. Military members are near and dear to my heart.
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    Our society has been mentioned in this thread but how many of you or your children have seen death up close. Not talking about Granny or some Deer but actual brutal violent death, in your own country outside your doorstep. Until you think about the atrocities that happen in Africa, the kidnapping and using of women and children as human shields in Afghanistan, or the widespread death and destruction in Haiti where bodies were piled on streets, you haven't seen anything. We talk about "our country is bad about..... ( insert here) " but at the end of the day, be grateful our children have it so much better here than a lot of places.
    Dennis, old friend, while I agree with everything you have said here is tragic, it should not stop those of us who live in more evolved societies from reaching to perfect our culture. I don't think anyone has said that our country is bad. It's simply imperfect.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Our society has been mentioned in this thread but how many of you or your children have seen death up close. Not talking about Granny or some Deer but actual brutal violent death, in your own country outside your doorstep. Until you think about the atrocities that happen in Africa, the kidnapping and using of women and children as human shields in Afghanistan, or the widespread death and destruction in Haiti where bodies were piled on streets, you haven't seen anything. We talk about "our country is bad about..... ( insert here) " but at the end of the day, be grateful our children have it so much better here than a lot of places.

    Amen to this one.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Amos Umwhat:
    I like that!

    +2 on this one.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    The only truly “silly war” involving the US that I can think of would be the “Pig War” between the US and Great Britain; a dispute just prior to the Civil War over the territorial boundary of the San Juan Islands in the Pacific N.W of Puget Sound. It began on the big Island of San Juan when a pig owned by a British settler kept getting into the garden of an American farmer. The American warned the Britt to keep the pig out of his garden, but his pleas were ignored. Finally, the pig was killed, and, because the border between the US and Great Britain was not yet settled, both sides “rushed” troops to the island, and fixed fortifications were constructed. However, no shots were ever fired, and the Officers from both camps would host parties for each other on “neutral ground” between the two encampments. Finally, the border dispute was settled by Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, who arbitrated the dispute. One footnote to this footnote of a “war” is that General George Pickett, who later would lead the infamous “Picket’s Charge” for the Confederate forces at Gettysburg was the Commander of the American forces on San Juan Island during the “Pig War”.

    The "pig war " , now thats a snort ... er ... I mean hoot ! ; )
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