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We Can All Agree?!?!?!

VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
So the forum has been a little tense lately it seems reading through posts. HOWEVER, a light at the end of the carpal tunnel hit me about 5 minutes ago. The link is below....sorry I cannot post a direct link to click on (too dumb I am). This is a story I think we can all agree, and if not, have a hell of a discussion. From the teabaggers to the treehugggers, from the hippies to the hipsters I think everyone can see-------this woman needs to be placed in a cage with lions who will end her and bring the rest of us some type of peace.



  • RhamlinRhamlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,530
    Interesting I just assumed assistance would just be cut off if someone won the lottery. But I guess with the amount of people on assistance(and I'm totally for a little assistance while someone is trying to get back on their feet) It has got to be impossible to keep tabs on them.
    She definately should have to pay it back and get off her lazy but and find a job. With that money youd think shed try to improve her lot in life, go to school and learn a trade .Wonder if she was smart enough to buy a house shed be able to afford to keep up when the money's gone. Unless she thinks itll last forever.500k don't last long when you go buying expensive toys and have no income.
  • y2pascoey2pascoe Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,707
    Send her to Uganda to live with Kony.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    So the forum has been a little tense lately it seems reading through posts. HOWEVER, a light at the end of the carpal tunnel hit me about 5 minutes ago. The link is below....sorry I cannot post a direct link to click on (too dumb I am). This is a story I think we can all agree, and if not, have a hell of a discussion. From the teabaggers to the treehugggers, from the hippies to the hipsters I think everyone can see-------this woman needs to be placed in a cage with lions who will end her and bring the rest of us some type of peace.

    I agree with you Vulchor.
    Wait, did I just say that?
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    This is a story I think we can all agree, and if not, have a hell of a discussion. From the teabaggers to the treehugggers, from the hippies to the hipsters I think everyone can see-------this woman needs to be placed in a cage with lions who will end her and bring the rest of us some type of peace.
    I think you could also file this one under the "Idiot of the day thread"
    And idk about a cage with lions.....But at the very least, can we all agree this woman should not be allowed to have offspring.
  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    There needs to be a major cull to the heard.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    There needs to be a major cull to the heard.
    Natural selection and survival of the fittest used to work.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    There needs to be a major cull to the heard.
    Natural selection and survival of the fittest used to work.
    So does mass sterilizations------wait..no.
  • TheedgeTheedge Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 316
    Yep - they don't check your net worth when you apply for food stamps. Don't ask me why...
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Quote from the million dollar winner...

    "Asked if she had the right to the public assistance money, Clayton answered, "I kind of do. I have no income, and I have bills to pay. I have two houses.""

    Are you kidding me? I, as a taxpaying American citizen, should pay your bills on TWO HOUSES when you just won a million dollars? Fvck you, die slow. Idiot!

  • Steve2010Steve2010 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,036
    With her intellect, she'll end up burning through it in a few months anyway, then it's back to the crack.
  • Knoxca1Knoxca1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 147
    There needs to be a major cull to the heard.
    Natural selection and survival of the fittest used to work.
    Public assistance prevents natural selection from doing its job.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    I personally feel sorry for her. Furthermore I think that with the lifestyle that she is now accustomed to, she should receive even more assistance than before so that she is not forced into dropping back into poverty like the rest of us. She has to be on A higher plain than the majority of us and I don't feel that we should be critical of her. We cannot after all understand the superior intellect of someone this special and she probably cannot comprehend the sub-par level of intellect of the average working man. We should just accept that there are people among us that think they inherently deserve more than the rest of us and work harder to achieve they're goals. I wouldn't mind paying more taxes so that someone like this can live well beyond they're means.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    lol.. A little harsh though. She's getting all this for taking 200 bucks from her assistance after winning some money. Sure it's bad taste but far from being the worst thing that people have done, see bank ceo's and others. Sucks though she lost half her winnings b4 she got it.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    lol.. A little harsh though. She's getting all this for taking 200 bucks from her assistance after winning some money. Sure it's bad taste but far from being the worst thing that people have done, see bank ceo's and others. Sucks though she lost half her winnings b4 she got it.

    I know but just think of the cigars I could buy for two hundred dollars.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    lol.. A little harsh though. She's getting all this for taking 200 bucks from her assistance after winning some money. Sure it's bad taste but far from being the worst thing that people have done, see bank ceo's and others. Sucks though she lost half her winnings b4 she got it.

    I know but just think of the cigars I could buy for two hundred dollars.

    As for the high tax rates......Don't get me started.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    far from being the worst thing that people have done, see bank ceo's and others.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    far from being the worst thing that people have done, see bank ceo's and others.
    we weren't talking about those people though. i thought we were attempting to agree in this thread. she has nothing to do with bank CEOs.
  • TheedgeTheedge Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 316
    Perhaps our standards should be higher than the lowest common denominator?
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    They were just trying to find something to agree on. Hatred for bank ceo's. You might as well throw in Former New York Times Co Chief Executive Janet Robinson received a total payout of nearly $24 million after she left the newspaper publisher at the end of last year.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    What about agreeing to disagree? All in fun though. :-)
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    What about agreeing to disagree? All in fun though. :-)
    We already do that. LOL
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    What about agreeing to disagree? All in fun though. :-)
    We already do that. LOL
    not everyone does that.

    -an argument isnt just contradiction
    -yes it is.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    What about agreeing to disagree? All in fun though. :-)
    We already do that. LOL
    not everyone does that.

    -an argument isnt just contradiction
    -yes it is.
    And the parrot isn't dead. LMAO. Man, I love those guys
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    If she bought the lottery ticket with public asst money then yes , I think a good old fashioned bit_ch slapping is in order .

    Or they could take her winnings and divide it among the tax paying folks in her state . That would prob give each taxpayer a penny maybe but a moral victory anyways .
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    If she bought the lottery ticket with public asst money then yes , I think a good old fashioned bit_ch slapping is in order .

    Or they could take her winnings and divide it among the tax paying folks in her state . That would prob give each taxpayer a penny maybe but a moral victory anyways .

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Perhaps our standards should be higher than the lowest common denominator?
    that's sort of what I was going for. Going after a poor person but letting the super wealthy person go for approximately the same thing is not right. See lawsuits against people for downloading a few songs via torrents. We should have higher standards of how people get treated and how they are judged/fined and the like. Of course I could say we should all want things better for ourselves not lesser.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    I agree with everyone on this thread. There's A great amount of good points to consider here.
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    karmas a B > A woman who admitted to receiving food stamps after winning $1 million on a Michigan state lotto game show was found dead today.

    The circumstances surrounding Amanda Clayton's death were not immediately released by police, but ABC News' Detroit affiliate WXYZ-TV reported that sources within the police department said they suspect the woman died of an overdose.

    An autopsy is pending on Clayton's body, which was found at a home in Ecorse, Mich., police said.

    Clayton, who became a millionaire after her big win last September, caused outrage earlier this year when it was revealed she was continuing to get $200 in monthly food aid from the state.

    According to the attorney general's office, Clayton failed to report her winnings and employment while receiving $5,475 in food and medical assistance.

    "It's simply common sense that million dollar lottery winners forfeit their right to public assistance," Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette said in a statement. "We will continue to work with local, state and federal authorities to uphold state laws intended to ensure wise stewardship of taxpayer dollars."

    Michigan public assistance programs require participants to report income and employment.

    She pleaded no contest to welfare fraud and was sentenced to probation in July.

  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Seriously, how is this any different from the Wall St investment bankers who took bailout money and used it to reward themselves with bonuses...except for the fact that the Wall St crooks got one helluva lot more than the welfare queen?
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Agreed totally JDH-----I can only hope for similar fates for all of them.
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