Any chance of a central TX herf?

I'm new-ish to Austin and wondering if any of you central Texas fellers would be interested in getting together somewhere for a smoke in the near future? I can't really travel too far but I think I could swing a trip to Dallas and San Antonio if need be. Heck, we can even do it here in Austin if that works out too. Just getting an idea of who would be interested and if this might be possible...
I might be heading to Austin or San Antonio in a few weeks for a new business location and I'll shoot you a PM when I get the dates.
While you are two fav places, Salt Lick BBQ and Hula Hut Thai BBQ beef fajitas!
Wait, if I remember correctly, you pops has the Rudy's huh? My bad with the salt lick...LOL.
Good to see you back though!