BAD CIGAR!!! Help!!!

Set out to smoke some RP Connecticut tonight with a friend. Both of us semi-newbi but learning and loving cigars. convo started with taste. I thought was alright and he said kinda bitter. I was tasting an after taste of bitter but he kept complaining. Mine got better toward the sweet spot and he still thought it was really bitter. the draw got really tight on his cigar so I tried his cigar. It tasted like s***. Made me wanna puke. Trying to figure out how to upload pics of the other 8 I bought, but i dont know how. 5 out of 8 of the cigars have green spots on them (similar to blue mold I see on tobacco leaves from pictures.) please 1. tell me how to put pics on this forum and 2. Tell me what is wrong with these cigars.
dont know if this worked but there is the pics
If it's overly bitter, then it's most likely over-hydrated, or the leaf is too young, or both.
things like your experience have driven me away from Rocky Patel. try the camacho Connecticut, Cusano 18 Connecticut, or any Davidoff. those wont have construction/taste issues.
Yup, looks like a few unfermented spots. It was already mentioned, but bury them for a few more months and they should be good to go. As for the tight draw, they're hand-rolled. That's the price we pay for our hobby...