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Rocky Petal

MarkbbMarkbb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 196
I'm a Rocky fan so I maybe alittle bias when I say the new I press is the frigging bomb, I could not put this one down literaly burnt my fingers nubing this cigar, make this the last cigar of the day, because there's no matching the smoke and flavor of this great cigar..


  • dep691dep691 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 311
    I keep looking at that cigar wanting to try it. But with that last purchase I have to show some restraint. Maybe I'll get lucky and get one for fathers day. Along with all kinds of other cigars. But i will prob get a tie or something,,,,,,,,,,lol.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    At the very least, it is quite an interesting looking cigar. I too am restraining my knee;jerk tendency to buy cigars, so I'm shooting for no new cigars for 2 months... As far as Rockys go, I've got several different lines that I'm eager to try, the most recent acquisition being the RP Rosado.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    With the Rocky I press, this is the first time I didn't jump at the chance to try something new from the label. I like almost everything Patel puts out but that waffer/I- press shape does not peak my interest. If it shows up in a sampler someday I will try it but otherwise, no.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    I've been wanting to try the I pressed as well as the Fusion Double Maduro.  I am new to the city of Dallas and don't know where to find one.  I've found a couple cigar shops but neither of them carry those cigars.  But on my way to work today I spotted another cigar shop so everyone keep your fingers crossed for me that they will have sometime!
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I'm a Rocky fan ...
    so heres the real question.... do you like gurkha?

    i know ill try the I press eventually. i just dont see it happening soon. if i have one ill try it. if i dont... oh well.
  • MarkbbMarkbb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 196
    I'm a Rocky fan ...
    so heres the real question.... do you like gurkha?

    i know ill try the I press eventually. i just dont see it happening soon. if i have one ill try it. if i dont... oh well.
    I like to smoke gurkha.....and is the "I press eventually" a hint watch the postman he or she might have one for you
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    What I want to know is where is Rocky Patel petaling?

    Kuzi has the mooch lingo down ;) "IF I have one ...", "I'd sure like to try ..." thats asking to get bombed there kuzi. You sure your mailbox could hold up to a RP style massacre?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    no no no guys. if i want one from ya id set up a trade. If one shows up in my humidor after a PIF or a F&G i wont be upset. my point was im not going out of my way to get one.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I know kuzi i'm just giving you a hard time. It is about time for some ccom forum bombing to occur! As far as I know there have been no bombs on this forum.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    As far as I know there have been no bombs on this forum.

    if heath was still around this board hed be able to tell you all about the wedding present that i set up for him.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    What happened to heath, he was around when I first got here. I think he moved to CL ... I think I've seen his avi there.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    iduno. he is a nice guy to chat and would have good input on this fum also...

    BTW... CL?
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    CigarLive.com ... its a huge forum, I'm on it but its so big its hard to really get into it.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    ah, got ya. i cant get into those overly huge forums. its hard to get good info out of them. its hard to share in them. i dont feel heard and i dont hear others as much. ill stick to cigar.com
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    The large forums are good for games and PIFs etc but IMO not as good for the sharing of info. You get a bunch of yes-sirs and a few that just want to argue with whaever you say.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    ...few that just want to argue with whaever you say.
    no you dont...
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    ...few that just want to argue with whaever you say.
    no you dont...

    "Is this the Arguments Office?"


    "Yes it is. It says so on the door."

    "No it doesn't."

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    thank you for picking that up.

    "an argument isnt just a simple contradiction of what the other person says"

    "yes it is"
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    That one leaves me in stitches every time, kuzi. Also, I make frequent use of it at the office. (It's a Monty Python bit, if anybody's wondering what the hell we're talking about.)
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    Monty Python, that reminds me Urbino , did you ever see The Young Ones ? That show killed too.
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    Doesn't ring any bells, kas. What was it?

    I did see a few episodes of "The Upright Citizens' Brigade" before it got canned. The one about "Little Donnie's Disease" will live forever in my memory.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    urbino...it was another British comedyon public television about a group of guys living in this flat ( apartment) a hippie (neil) an dorky guy who thought he was to cool ( rick) a brainy guy who was always wearing aviator sunglasses and reading a three foot high stack of newspapers and dozens of girlfriends,( mike) and a punk rocker with numerous facial piercings and stars studing his forehead. ( vivian) The way these guys got along reminded me of this group, all different but still managed to enjoy each others company.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    a brainy guy who was always wearing aviator sunglasses and reading a three foot high stack of newspapers and dozens of girlfriends
    Just so you guys know I'm this guy! I have the aviators, IQ and the girlfriends ;) shhhhhh don't tell the wife :) I think Urby is the punk rocker, Kasper is the too cool guy(lol you know I'm just messing) and kuzi is the guy who stands outside the flat everyday and just shakes his head at us. LOL
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Now we just need the hippie .... hmmmm
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    Can I be a punk hippie? Cuz I could totally pull that off.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I could completely picture you with a mohawk, piercings and tatoos on your forehead. They'd go perfect with your gray hair, lol
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    *stands outside shaking head*
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    *stands outside shaking head*
    LMAO, he embraces his role!
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