I have a problem....

Well, dammit, you all were right! My humidor is FULL, and I don't mean, sort of stacked up. I mean: I had to take my shelf out because I am maxed out on space. Everyone told me I was going to need a bigger place to store my cigars, and I thought it would take a lot longer than 1 month. I have at least 10 cigars coming in the next couple of days, and I won't have room for them. Time to bust out a tupperdore.
Hi, my name is Richard, and I am a cigar.com addict. I really enjoy premium cigars, and when I see the deals the folks at CCOM put together, I just can't stop myself. Sometimes I skimp on work I need to complete, just so I can read the forums and reviews, or just to browse the cigars. Things got really bad when I found out about sprint sales, bombs, and games.
i wish, but right now im working on getting another internship at Walt Disney World so that would be a huge hassle (part of the reason i like my 16qt cooler) i think a 50ish qt coolidor will be somewhat easier to handle for me in my (hopefully) future moves.