Had a blond day, shouldn't have smoked cigar

Came home from work today and thought I'd smoke a cigar. Had not really had a good day, so thought this would make me feel better. Well, first off, when cutting the cigar, my finger somehow wound up in there. Cut my finger, but not seriously. I've cut cigars a few times before now with no issues. I should have just stopped there due to the situation not starting out so good, but I couldn't abandon a perfectly good cut cigar, now could I? NO! lol! So went outside on the steps and started to light it. I burned my hand. Please don't ask me how or you'll know how blond I really am. No...I can't tell you....I'll never tell you....NO......ok.....I had it, I had it......I had the lighter upside down!! I was in a rush ok!! Again, Never had an issue. All I know is that my hair looks blonder than usual. That's all I can say.
However, all was not lost. I smoked the Cohiba and it was a really smooth cigar. I was extremely impressed with it. It smelled and tasted just like I had always dreamed a good cigar would taste all these years. It was smooth and mild to me. Excellent taste. So I'm glad I didn't abandon it because that would have been a travesty. I worked hard for that cigar though. Please don't hold all that idiotness against me guys. I really do have a brain inside my head.....just a bad day!! LOL!!
However, all was not lost. I smoked the Cohiba and it was a really smooth cigar. I was extremely impressed with it. It smelled and tasted just like I had always dreamed a good cigar would taste all these years. It was smooth and mild to me. Excellent taste. So I'm glad I didn't abandon it because that would have been a travesty. I worked hard for that cigar though. Please don't hold all that idiotness against me guys. I really do have a brain inside my head.....just a bad day!! LOL!!

Hope the hand and finger get better. The Cohiba is a good stick. As for having a Blond moment I think we all have had days like that, at least I have.
I too have burned myself with a torch lighter . . . my Jetlite, has a really slow button on it so it stays lit for a second after your take your thumb off it, well I treated it like the shortest light saber ever after using it for the first time and burned about half the fingers on the hand not holding the lighter.
so glad I didn't put it straight into my pocket . . . .
thanks for the good chuckle though salem, and its all good, we've all done stuff just like this.
Just recently, its been very cold here... lighter is cold too, jack the flame adjustment on the lighter up to get a decent flame to spark a stick. Then we got a warm day. Then I forgot to adjust the flame back down before lighting.
Then I torched my moustache right along with my cigar. :-)
First few attempts at poking a cigar to correct a bad draw - right thru the side of the cigar.
Im know there are more, but those are the ones that come immediately to mind... dont sweat the small stuff Salem. Everybody has a "blonde moment" story regarding the hobby. The moral of your story is COHIBAS ARE GOOD! Hooray for cigars! :-)
Thats some funny stuff Sniper , your killin me !!!