Forum Sampler

Just worked it up today. I did not have everything in the top 15 and some things that I did, I had to remove just because it drove up the cost big time and I was not able to give you guys such a good deal. I think this is a solid lineup at great savings. We are only making a limited number. They shold be available later this week and when they are, Josh will post a link to where youc an buy it on this thread. You can also call your rep once you get the notification here that they are packed and ready. Because I am doing this as a thank you to the guys that are active here, I would greatly appreciate it if you would please not repost or share this information anywhere outside this forum. So without further delay I give you the " Forum Sampler #1"
My Father Le Bijou Torpedo
Liga Privada Undercrown Gran Toro
San Lotano Oval Gordo
Man O War Ruinatioin Belicoso No. 1
Illusione '88' Robusto
Oliva Serie V Double Robusto
Tatuaje Black Petit Lancero
My Father Toro
Ashton VSG Belicoso No. 1
Tatuaje La Casito Criolla Short Churchill
Ave Maria Reconquista
Man O War Armada Toro
Tatuaje Fausto Robusto
Man O War Puro Authentico
My Uzi Weighs a Ton Toro
MSRP $160.00 FORUM PRICE $74.95
My Father Le Bijou Torpedo
Liga Privada Undercrown Gran Toro
San Lotano Oval Gordo
Man O War Ruinatioin Belicoso No. 1
Illusione '88' Robusto
Oliva Serie V Double Robusto
Tatuaje Black Petit Lancero
My Father Toro
Ashton VSG Belicoso No. 1
Tatuaje La Casito Criolla Short Churchill
Ave Maria Reconquista
Man O War Armada Toro
Tatuaje Fausto Robusto
Man O War Puro Authentico
My Uzi Weighs a Ton Toro
MSRP $160.00 FORUM PRICE $74.95
We got 11 out of 15 of our top 15 sticks.
The remaining 4 were the next 4 cigars in line on our list. This means that we got nearly every single cigar we wanted at a ridiculously great price.