End Cuban Embargo

There is an online petition to end the Cuban trade embargo which would allow us to buy Cuban cigars legally. Check it out here... https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions/!/petition/end-embargo-restrictions-cuba/5cTMVjys?utm_source=wh.gov&utm_medium=shorturl&utm_campaign=shorturl
The reason for this is that Fidel and Raul have used the embargo as the main reason why most Cubans find themselves living the way they do.
If the embargo were to end tomorrow, things in Cuba really wouldn't change for the average Cuban, the effect being the emperor would be seen to have no clothes.
As is the case in EVERY country in the world... the leader lives a life much different from the common man.
As a matter of fact, several Cubans I talked with said the same thing. They have no idea or vision of what Cuba will be like when Fidel and Raul are gone. These people are NOT fans of Fidel or Raul, but they "know them" and what to expect from them. With them gone the the future is completely open to changes of almost any kind. Cubans may look forward to the day when Fidel and Raul are gone, but they are also worried and cautious of when that day may happen too.
it will ruin Cuban cigars for years. the quality will drop as production goes into hyper-drive trying to keep up with the demand from the new cigar boom. the quality is questionable for many as it is. any further drop in product quality is not what i would like to see.
let me get a few boxes of good ones in the aging humidor first, then we can talk about the end of the embargo.
I bet it would take 5 years for the market to get back the quality it has now.
there are some people out there that will swear up and down that the quality right now is shaky at best. i have yet to have a problem with any CCs that i have had (all made in the last 8 years)
As for the shortage problem for Cuban Cigars... I don't see that happening. The prices may go up due to demand for a short period of time, but seriously, most BOTL in the US who want to smoke a cuban have NO TROUBLE finding them now. I honestly think the biggest problem will be unscrupulous people faking them and trying to pass off crap as real cubans. Of course that will have, as it does now, have an impact on peoples opinions of the quality of Cuabn Cigars.
For the sake of the cigars I love to smoke, I hope it never happens.
Note, this is coming form someone with a very limited experience with Cuban cigars, so I may be way off base, but I really don't think I am.
This is very true.
This is not. Outside of America (ie. The entire rest of the world), no one smokes NCs, or cares about them. There are obvious exceptions to the rule (as with any rule), but really those exceptions are Padron, Davidoff, and Fuente. Tatuaje recently debuted in England, and has a bit of a market in Germany, but realistically, Cuba still has the reputation as being the best in the world, heads and tails above the rest. I tend to agree, if we are speaking in broad general terms. You just can't truly compete with the original best, when they have the best conditions for growing the best tobacco in the world.
Are you up for a trade? Shoot me a pm if you are.
I dont think there will be as big of a shortage as people perceive . What is not being taken into consideration is that the embargo is not just going to end one day out of the blue with no warning.
Their will be political maneuvering , back room deals , interested parties with clandestine meeting and very very much money changing hands. The actual lifting of the embargo will be preceded by one to two years of political sabre rattling and backroom deals . Cuban Cigar mfg in Cuba and former ones in other countries will have more than ample time to ramp up factories to go into full swing before the embargo ends and is signed into law. I dont see very much of a shortage or drop in quality and certainly if present not lasting more than 2 years .
The Cubans will have a heads up with plenty of time to deal with quality and production , I'd bet on it . Too much money involved not to take full advantage of and maximizing profit will come from being able to provide a quality product in a timly manner with minimum cost increase .