SprintSale suggestion

It occurs to me, after watching the SprintSale a bit, that there should be a button you could click on to pass and move on to the next item rather than having to sit and wait until an item you have absolutely no interest in finishes.
I'd probably watch it more with that feature than I do now because it takes up too much of my time the way it is. Just MHO.
I'd probably watch it more with that feature than I do now because it takes up too much of my time the way it is. Just MHO.
Sometimes I'm like: "Maybe if I buy that damn Java & Verdadero Organic 10-pack it will go away..." ;-)
Disclaimer, I actually like the Verdadero and have never had the Java, so maybe I shouldn't be so harsh on 'em....it's just that they seem to pop up every 5 minutes along with a few others on regular rotation.
Your idea is a good one except that I rarely ever use my PC anymore except to synch my phone to it occasionally. Keeping a second window open wouldn't work for me.
I like the concept of the SprintSale, it's just that it drags on way too slowly for me.
What is with all you guy's and your phones for web surfing? My son has a desktop computer. He "Needed" a laptop for University, and he does 95% of his web surfing on his I-phone???? Maybe it's just me... but I like a large screen instead of a 2.5 by 2.5 inch screen and tiny little buttons to type out a message. I MUST be missing something. I can see the advantage and conveinience of having, and using a smart phone when not around my computer. I just don't get why you would choose to use it if there is a real computer with a screen bigger then a matchbox to use. I guess i'm just getting old and don't know any better LMAO.
So the analogous situation would be if sprintsale has 300 people on at the same time, they could run 3 sales, 100 people would be seeing each sale. If you don't like it, you click "move on" to one of the other simultaneous sales. Hopefully one of the three works for you. If you log in the system could even refine itself to hone in on which of the three you're least likely to click "move on" for.
If you mean hooked on the SprintSale, no. I'm not that big a buyer. But if you mean hooked on my iPhone, yup. I love being able to surf regardless of where I might be. I don't need to be tied to my PC or my laptop any more.