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Pipe smoking

CwizCwiz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 12
Hi everyone,

I found that I really enjoy the aroma of pipe tobacco and would really like to give it a try.

Can you guys give me a few suggestions on some good pipes and tobacco to try? What should I be looking for?



  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    There are a couple of related threads if you dig around on these forums. As far as pipes go, I really like Erik Nording pipes, his freehand series especially. There are many good to great pipes out there and a very good pipe can be had for less than you might think. One thing to keep in mind is that a higher price tag does not necessarily make a better pipe, and as the prices climb what you are paying for are aesthetics, a grain pattern, fine carving, etc.

    If you are looking for a pleasant aroma, aromatics are where you should start. There are many different flavors out there ranging from slight to heavily aromatic. A good place to start is http://www.tobaccoreviews.com. There you'll find a plethora of reviews that will help you narrow down what you're looking for.
  • Andrew DzikoskiAndrew Dzikoski BlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered Users, Trusted Users Posts: 338
    Barracini makes some good inexpensive pipes. RLP6 and 1Q are from lane limited and 2 of the worlds most popular.
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