What'd I miss?

From 100MPH to 0! Sorry guys. When I got back life really threw me for a loop. I was stuck in Texas for three months and couldn't get anything at all done for the DCCC due to red tape. Just got done with my surgery and am hobbling around on crutches. Hopefully im back for good. I have a package going out to some boys in kuwait city those week and ill be posting pictures. As for what happened to the Doha chapter after I left; I am unsure. I tried to keep in touch with the guy that was 'running' it but hardly ever got a returned email from him. Anyways I am alive and well, missed chatting with your guys and hope I am back for another good round!
The family is well, had some issues with CFC lats week but luckily we caught it early. Got the wife a 12returned passenger van so we'd have a little more room and she started talking about babies! Luckily we fixed that. Maybe an adoption when the oldest is gone.
I uses the term guys biblically, I promise!
good to have you back
things are pretty much the same around here man, which is a good thing. glad to have you back on board though man.
RSV was the issue last week not CVC or whatever I typed. The family is well, im on crutches for another 5 weeks supposedly. Hopefully I'll get a walking cast tomorrow. As for the Ccom site, I really wish they'd use a tapatalk compatible format. Doing posts on my android is harder than it was from the blackberry over seas! DCCC has a package going out to Kuwait City this week and as always I am open to donations of cigars to send. The t shirt sales pay for the shipping (with help from my own wallet). I will post pictures of the friendly fire to go out and as soon as I receive photos of carnage they will be posted too. I thought about you guys (biblical) all the time, but couldn't find the time with all the stuff going on. I am now making time!
should be making an order this month! Of course ill go through you.
if by the DCCC you mean me... sure! The avatar I use is the official logo. The DCCC in Doha fell off the planet when I left from what I can tell. It was very difficult for me to get any information so unfortunately I think the guy just started running it as his own cigar club. No biggie though. We are starting up some new chapters right now.