Told them not to inhale lol....

So I herf'ed some folks last night after my nephew's 1st Bday. I ended up throwin the Padron's in my herf to some brothers of another leaf. I watched one puff and cough...threw out the warning...but he was "just trying to taste it bro, I smoke all day." Couple more coughs, couple more warnings, and the American Standard came calling lol!
It was pretty darn funny I must say and in the end he actually came back and went for the rest of the stick. Pure comedy for the "iron lung" as he called it.
So there you have it. Inhaling while cigar smoking must add a macho twist; it especially catches the attention of the ladies... as you projectile vomit onto them.
they must have been really close friends and/or not into cigars much at all.
i seem to remember it being poor etiquette to ask to puff off another persons cigar.
the look on my face must have told the story, because before words even came out of my mouth, my wife looked to her and says "bad form, Courtney! First off, he doesn't smoke sh!t like that, secondly, that cigar would probably kill you" LMAO
Yeah, i would never ask for a puff off of anyone else's gar, but I figured he'd leave quicker if I played along.