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Sad Day Today.....Need To Find A Home **We Have A Winner**

MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
For 5 little puppy dog rockets that were left behind with my last dog rocket launch. I can not take care of them any longer....ah who the hell am I kidding....I can't stand looking at the little turds! So here is the deal pick a number between 1 and 100 and if you nail it or come close without going over you win these little stinkers.

Normally there would be rules like being on the good traders list and x amount of posts or getting a vet here to vouch for you. Not this time.....I can't stand looking at these turds any longer.....so open to everyone. I will use a random number generator to pick the winner.

You get one guess a day and I will close this contest out on Thursday at 11:59pm PST

Good Luck to you all



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