Humidity Control
I had about 25 cigars in my small humidor, all wrapped in cellophane, and never once had a problem maintaining rh ~ 70%. I unwrapped 6 of the sticks and instantly the rh shot up to 82% and can't get it to drop back down without removing the humidifier. I have the stock analog hygrometer and humidifier unit and will soon be upgrading. Any reasons as to why taking a few cigars out of the cellophane would cause the humidity to jump so much? Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
Ditto!!! My analog tested perfectly yet testing in the humi comparing to a digi, it can be 10% off. Don't trust the analog!
And if I'm mistaken in my assumption, I apologize for making an ass not of u, but of me.
not because they dont work, because they DO work. very well in fact. I dont like them because you have to buy new ones every few weeks/months. with beads i paid more, but i never need to buy them again.