The obligatory why can't we sticky topics thread.

Seriously. There needs to be a way to sticky something. Even just give us a serparate section for the trading section that can hold the PIF, Make a Wish, Movie Trivia, Fun and Games. I don't get it. This place still has an archaic html formatting. A PM system that can use a some type of email alert (THAT WORKS) or at least a warning on the board you have a PM. A light or something on the top right corner of the screen. Other than smoke cigars what does IT do? Can I apply?
Now, I'm a fan of CCOM's mdse., customer service, etc., but I gotta say the concern of the IT folks regarding our wants and needs is sadly lacking. If I had a committed, virtually locked-in customer base like CCOM has with our membership, I think I'd want to give a lot more weight to those wants and needs than what we're getting.
In addition to what you've listed, Marker, we've been asking for relief from having to be conversant with HTML in order to post to a given thread. Such basic things as line breaks, posting photos and links, etc. are all things that would make this forum a h3lluva lot more user-friendly but they, sadly, don't seem to be forthcoming any time soon, do they??
So, once again I'll lend my voice to yours and ask, "Hey, CCOM IT, are you listening???"
I understand you may not be happy with us but a good amount of us work really hard to get the deals up every day and make sure the e-commerce and shopping cart works so you don't run into any problems.
Also, I know that some of the members of the forum have their reviews and such on the threads and don't want to lose the info in transition.