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Happy New Years!

lcpleellcpleel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,447
Just wanted to say Happy New years ahead of time as most including myself might not be able to function enough to say Happy New Years!
Wishing everyone a safe and joyful New Year. 2011 has been a year of ups and downs but we all got by and 2012 around the corner is headed for us full speed. I wish you all a prosperous 2012!!


  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    Thanks Brother.. Happy new year to you as well, and to everyone else here also.
  • Bobbo2009Bobbo2009 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 843
    Thanks and Happy New Year to you as well!!

  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    I'll make enough fried cabbage and black=eyed peas to give everyone good luck. Or enough gas to kill the ozone layer.
  • HeavyHeavy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,590
    Thanks brother! Same to you and to all of my BOTLs here - here's to a happy an prosperous New Year!
  • HeavyHeavy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,590
    I'll make enough fried cabbage and black=eyed peas to give everyone good luck. Or enough gas to kill the ozone layer.
    Fried cabbage????? Where you from bro? I've done black eyed peas (for luck) and collard greens (for money) ever since I can remember. Used to hate them both and would hold my nose and eat a bite of each for tradition's sake - love them now though. But I've never heard of the fried cabbage - sounds awesome!
  • spindriftspindrift Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 818
    Thanx Mr. Lee and I hope you enjoy your weekend as well...
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Some say 2012 is the year we all die and the world ends. I really hope not, I have some good sticks aging that I was to have in a few years. Dec 22nd to Dec 30th will be a time in which I smoke a crap load of cigars. Just in case you know.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Some say 2012 is the year we all die and the world ends. I really hope not, I have some good sticks aging that I was to have in a few years. Dec 22nd to Dec 30th will be a time in which I smoke a crap load of cigars. Just in case you know.
    Ummm, Pheebs, if you are really worried about that? You may want to revise your schedule. The world is supposed to end on the 21st! That would be the day BEFORE you started smoking in earnst. Just sayin'. I would hate for you to miss it by one week. But hey, the good news is you really don't need to spend any money on needless Christmas presents in 2012!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Oh, thought it was like the 26th or something... eh, I guess I'll dial it back 3 days. WhooHoo! no xmas gifts
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    happy new years to you also issac and all the borks that hang out in all the forums that ccom has provided for us to convese with each other, learn new things, shoot the bs and BOMB the hell outta each other, LOL,! hope all everyone wishes for for the new year comes true for each and every one of you and your families!
  • RhamlinRhamlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,530
    And a very Happy NewYears to everyone. Almost time to fix the annual corned beef and cabbage.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    Happy New Year to everyone on here. A great group of BORKS!
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone here at C.Com.

    This is the ONLY online social networking site that I am part of. Very special group of people here. All the best for everyone in 2012.
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