Virtual B&M

Well, I know my title is a contradiction in terms, since a B&M is a real bricks & mortar place to go buy cigars and smoke them, gather around and shoot the breeze and what have you. But I can't get to one so I'd like to experience with you guys, if you'll play along, my own little B&M experience. I'm going to go to this B&M right now and go up to the man and buy myself bout an Opus X. Hey, I'm celebrating my first group cigar experience, so why not. Now I find myself sitting down with a group of you here, anyone that wants to join in. Let's also pretend, while we're at it, that you can drink anything you want also. So, I think I'll have some Remy Martin XO Cognac (maybe I'll like it better than the VSOP). I get a snifter of that.
So....nice to meet you guys, what do we talk about at this B&M? What will you smoke with me and will you be drinking? Milk or water is fine else.
Anyway, I like that big leather chair over in the corner. I found a box of 858 Sungrowns at the bottom of the pile, and picked one of those. Not sure what I want to drink yet, but this fantasy B&M looks like it has a massive bar...
@ I hear ya hubby's not happy about the cigar thing? My wife hasn't warmed up to that for years. I think she just gave up.
I come sauntering in, Yeah I've been drinking but I'm not drunk..(yet)..I have a flask of some Jagermeister in my inside shirt pocket. I sit down and start askin around for a cigar, Spent all my pocket money on the jager. So Doc throws me a Perdomo 10th ave maddy. I gladly accept as I am torchin the foot, we start talking bout the football playoffs, but that conversation somehow turns to girl football, next thing we know were all talkin about whether or not we are pro/con for boob implants. A's I'm smoking, Im thinking of a chicken philly sandwich, and how good one would be right about now.. Ahhh this perdomo is tasting good.
if you have ever had the regualar Blue Moon it's just a more potent version .... Only available the week after thanksgiving for a month or so and only in the 22 oz bottles ...... It's delicious..... I am not a beer drinker but I grab a few bottles of this each year.
Jr., in the non-virtual world next time we get together I will bring you a non-virtual bottle of Grand Cru. I always pick up at least 6 but always try for 12 bottles of this so I can have it until it gets released again the following year
@ Kid... I love your style... hand me the Jager I've got an old college aged itch to scratch and that looks just like the drink to do so with :P
@ Salem... who cares if it's lit straight... smoke that sh!t lol
@ Salem...the Irish speaks the truth! He taught another lady how to suck on it too! I think he even demonstrated.
IS THIS PARTY OPEN TO A GENTLEMEN WITH A BRO-STACHE??? Whats up everybody! And why is jason doing the helicopter in the front window???
Anybody want a Pepsi? I brought the whole six pack just in case.I find they pair really well with these Virtues, really been digging on these lately...