My big gift is I get to spend some time with my wife, and both my parents, who I only see once of twice a year. We're not big on Christmas, but its nice to be with family.
My big gift was from my wife 2 months ago... a 400 Ct Cabinet Humidor and an OpusX 2010 Release BBMF Maduro in a coffin box, and a Maduro OpusX Super Belicoso from 2010 as well
My big gift today however was from Mom and Pops, 2 Gurkha sticks, an original release and harvest LEgend Preferido with 6+ years of humi-age on it, and a Brigadier Preferido with 3+ years of humi-age on it. Also got a Xikar 009 Satin Black Punch from Mom, this way I can keep this one safe and boxed up to use on special occasions and have the other 009 punch on my keychain to always have with me... and again THANK YOU to my not so secret SS
i got some smelly stuff and a new packer hat with tribal on it, its pretty sweet. Its more about the kids. I also got some wine and a My Uzi from Mr. Bubba
I got money from my husband to start back buying old collector coins. (my collection got stolen from my house with other things in Oct). And boy, have I had fun ordering old coins!!!!! Maybe a little too much.......
Some Batman graphic novels I had been wanting, a jacket I had been wanting, another jacked that is awesome, all sorts of just awesome stuff. Plus I got one of those bobbing birds that drinks water. I have wanted one my whole life but never said anything to my fiance about it and so we saw one on mad men and I said something and she got me one. I'm a lucky man
I got a southport 120ct humidor, kinect for the Xbox, bottle of glenlivet 12, cologne, a few shirts, socks, canon camera backpack...MRS. Smoke em if off the hook..she spoiled me, but believe me she was spoiled in return.
very nice i got a best buy gift card and blue ray movie. as far as size goes the movie was my big gift lol
My big gift today however was from Mom and Pops, 2 Gurkha sticks, an original release and harvest LEgend Preferido with 6+ years of humi-age on it, and a Brigadier Preferido with 3+ years of humi-age on it. Also got a Xikar 009 Satin Black Punch from Mom, this way I can keep this one safe and boxed up to use on special occasions and have the other 009 punch on my keychain to always have with me... and again THANK YOU to my not so secret SS
Was that what you got or are you just insulting everybody?
I got a nook Color and an Invicta watch as my big gifts