christmass cigar

so what have we all had resting in our humidors earmarked for christmass?
i think im going to go with an armada with just over a year on it
happy christmass guys
i think im going to go with an armada with just over a year on it
happy christmass guys
Merry Christmas Marty - hope you and the wife are doing well.
(I'm probably going to save the Governators you gave me for NEXT Christmas, or for when you come down to Santa Cruz to camp again!)
The wrapper on this was a little beat up, but it was damn tasty!
And a Merry Christmas to you and Jennifer, Horst. I just got sat down with my Governator, a snifter of Booker's, and some peace and quiet after a day of visiting my brothers and their families here in town. One brother is in the hospital recovering from surgery to remove part of his colon due to cancer. We'll know whether it was successful in a day or three. Talk about stress!
Anyway, the rest of the family got together for the usual nonsense and all are well and happy. It's about 6:45pm and I fully intend to enjoy my Governator and my Booker's without any further disruption. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.