Do you save your partially smoked cigars?

If you don't have time to smoke the whole cigar for whatever reason, do you save the partially smoked cigar for later? If so, do they taste decent or are they nasty? lol! I have smoked 2 so far and have no finished either one.
Good luck and enjoy.
I don't totally agree with Todd on this. To me, it depends on how long the interval is between when you laid it down and when you intend to pick it back up again. And, IMO, it depends also on whether you chew or dry-mouth the head of the cigar.
I'm a dry-mouth person. I can't tolerate even the sight of a chewed-up stogie. And when it becomes necessary for me to interrupt the smoke I've got going, I use an aluminum tubo to snuff it quickly. I'm fairly sure a chewed-up stick will taste/smell bad when trying to take up where you left off. If you slide the lit stick headfirst into the tubo and screw the cap on, the stick will go out quickly due to lack of oxygen. I've gone as long as 4 - 5 hours before relighting with no problems. Just scrape off the char before relighting. The first couple puffs might be a tad strong but other than that - no problems.
does it taste the same no but if it's a good stick it won't be nasty either.
this is what I do on my boat and I don't usually relight for 12 hours when my shift starts again. And Ive never had a stick be nasty.
Relight - yes, as other have said, within 5 minutes due to my lack of attention, or whatever.
I have, on occasion, let a "daily smoke" go out while working on a car/truck, etc. In this instance I'll do an "amputation".....pretty severe cut, at least 1/2 inch past the burn line, and then relight.
Even then, I end up tossing it half the time cause the taste is funky...........
I'll catch some flak for this.....but you could simply cut the cigar in half before you smoke it....smoke the bottom half first, use the foot as the cap (the part you're gonna smoke from)....then save the other half for another time......don't do this with premium sticks of course.
therefore, dont buy smaller cigars. make more time.