Smoked the Tebak Especial! Also need pointers.

It's a nice mild day here so I thought it was the perfect time to go outside, sit on my back porch and smoke the Tebak Especial Infused that my friend here sent me. It was really a great experience. It smelled like cocoa, but only had a hint of the taste during smoking. I smoked about half of it before it went out on it's own, so I called it a smoke. I was trying not to make it hot by taking puffs too often, but I guess I was too slow. I have questions. Does one take deep draws or short puffs? I'm trying to maximize my pleasure by taking it slow so I can get all the flavors. Slowing down to experience the numerous flavors of a cigar is an art I see, one I have not mastered yet. So, any suggestions about how to get the best experience will be appreciated. All in all, a really nice experience!!
The Kid has some great advice about the cone of the cigar after you ash it so keep that in mind as you figure out your speed. Basically, the reason behind it is that if you smoke too fast things will get too hot and bitter and if you smoke too slow then it will go out and be really boring in the process. Obviously, this is also affected by how thick the cigar is. The thinner cigars take practice to find the right speed while a thick 60 ring cigar can take a beating and still perform. So the moral of the story is to just keep messing around with it and try different methods to find what you like best and keep in mind that cigar thickness is a factor as well.
As far as your question about the draws, a while back Alex, I think made a comment about taking 2-3 short shallow puffs and then one long draw out of it to get the right right amount of smoke. So give that a shot the next time you fire one up. I tend to do that if I've lef the cigar alone for a bit between puffs, but usually I smoke quick enough that the end is still hot so I get nice and full draws right away. Basically the hobby is all about relaxing and doing it the way you like it, so as long as the end that on fire is not in your mouth, and your enjoying it, then your doing it right.
i generally do one of two things when i actually puff.
1) -1,2,3 method
2) 1 and 1
the "-1,2,3 method" is a take off of the "1,2,3 method." the 1,2,3 is where on each draw you actually draw three times: two extremely short quick puffs followed followed by one long slow easy draw. the theory is hat the first two puffs will make sure that the entire foot is lit and the long draw will draw in a nice cool smoke.
i dont do that
i do -1,2,3 its the same as 1,2,3, but the first puff is "negative"
in other words, i purge and blow out lightly then puff in once then a longer slower draw.
i do that about 20% of the time.
the other 80% is 1 an1.
this is just 1,2,3, minus the first puff.
i find that the extra puff at the beginning heats up a cigar more than i want.