I don't think the weapons system on the Death Star are fully operational.
It is as of now.
I am now recieving all coordinates.
Anyone else picture Darth in his cape and helmet trying to drive stick for the first time?
I see Vader grinding the SH!T outta that clutch like a broke stripper grinding on some random Joe cause the rents due. Vader next time you should ask Han to borrow the falcon, the fastest ship in all of the galaxy, this way you could have made it here in 3.2 parsecs instead of ......... Well who knows when you just keep talking.
This has GOT to be some kind of forums record. Never in my time on the boards have I seen a TP&B thread go so long with nothing happening and NOT fade into obscurity.
I still got faith in you Vader, but when the sh!t hits the Death Star this had better be one for the ages or I sense an EPIC FAIL in the Force...
F'ing hilarious man.
Is this you?
I see Vader grinding the SH!T outta that clutch like a broke stripper grinding on some random Joe cause the rents due. Vader next time you should ask Han to borrow the falcon, the fastest ship in all of the galaxy, this way you could have made it here in 3.2 parsecs instead of ......... Well who knows when you just keep talking.
I still got faith in you Vader, but when the sh!t hits the Death Star this had better be one for the ages or I sense an EPIC FAIL in the Force...
You send your pitiful "bombs" to one another, hoping they dont find out who you are. I fire death from above, no one will find Darth Vader.