Calling out to the WOMEN Cigar smokers

Good morning all,
I was sitting with my husband over coffee and a Don Pepin this morning, flipping through emails and the like. I asked him "I wonder if there are any blogs for WOMEN cigar smokers?" Much to my disappointment I found ONLY TWO!!! The one,, has not had any posts since June of this year. The other was here in 2008, when a woman asked to meet with anyone to share a cigar. She was a new smoker and wanted the input of well seasoned smokers. I know that I am in the minority with all of the male smokers out there, but a few of us women REALLY ENJOY the cigar experience. I have been smoking off and on for over 15yrs., more so in the last 4 or 5 since meeting and teaching my husband to enjoy the experience. I look forward to having the quite time in the morning with my Hubby before we rush off to meet the day, he a university professor, me a stay at mom. We have a busy schedule with our daughter's basketball and everyday life. We also enjoy the having a a drink and cigar in the evening after she has gone to bed. So back to my point... ARE THERE ANY WOMEN CIGAR SMOKERS OUT THERE??? We need to unite and form a great blog, website with the experiences we have had, willingness to learn from others etc.
Thanks for taking the time to look. Have a great day, and SMOKE ON!!!
Here's the link to her profile:
And wasn't there another lady making an appearance in just the last couple days, Dwayne? If memory serves me rightly, her moniker was something like Stephanieallen or something similar. I did a little looking but can't seem to locate the thread she appeared in. Maybe you can help/remember her............
Welcome to the forum. Maybe Kelley can reach out to you when she logs on. In the same it is a lot of information to be found within many threads on the forum. And if you have a question, by all means. Post it and I'm sure you'll get a answer.....
Teege, not enough chest hair.
ROFL! Welcome aboard!
speaking of my wife...
she will sit down and have a cigar with me now and then. im not so sure id call her a smoker, but she knows more about cigars than the average cigar smoker. She even went to Nicaragua with me. Women smokes are out there.
Anyhoo, welcome and I hope you stick around. I don't know of a lot of women cigar blogs, but I think the forums here are some of the best you can find on the internets.