The Best Relative Humidity %?
Hey Folks-- I have been "Cooking" my sticks at around 70% RH in my Humidor. I have recently read some articles online that state 64-65% is much better. Thoughts?
I tried searching this for this on the forum with no I am sorry if this topic has been discussed in previous threads.
When it comes to RH levels in your Humidor it really comes down to how you like your cigars when you smoke them at different RH levels. I have a desk top humidor that i keep as a rotation Humidor that I keep between 60 and 65% RH. I have a cabinet that I have for long term aging and I keep it between 65 to 70 RH. I feel that for aging they do better at around 70% and cigars smoke better at around 65% IMO.
I'd tend to agree with you that the Cigargroup link is more accurate. Although, most of us keep our humidors in our house therefore, temperature is likely not to vary more than 10 degrees. I feel better paying attention to humidity more than temp.
Relative Humidity- Thats the little sweat beads that pop up on your ass while your doin' your wife's sister ( I'm allowed to tell this joke because my wife doesn't have a sister hahaha)
ummm. not funny.
stern- If you hang around you'll find out theres a lotta kiddin and joking around with one another as well as the wealth of info that is shared by a great group of guys on this forum. Nothing is intended to step on anyone's toes or offend , this joke is as old as i am and in no way insinuates someone should be unfaithful to their spouse, girlfriend or significant other. Please take it in the context it was delivered, just something to make someone chuckle and break up the stress/boredom/work of the day.
Yeh, I got caught too - it's not funny.
NOW you tell me!
By the way Gmill - How's Pop in law?
Thanks for asking Tumbler-He goes back to the hospital in Hickory tuesday to meet with the doctor that will talk about setting up the radiology treatments, cannot do gamma ray. Seems to be progressing very slowly,some days good and some not so. Will go back to Baptist hospital next week, they are very concerned over the aggressiveness of the cancer from what we are gathering.
I am sorry Gmill. Did they ever give you a cell type or stage? If it's close to the orbits, optic nerves, and chiasm then Tomotherapy is really a nice solution. If it's not - IMRT will be fine.
My understanding is the tumor was the result of him having renal cell carcinoma which metastasized ( not sure if I spelled those words correct) to the brain. He had his right kidney removed in beginning of July 08. Today they told him instead of 10-12 treatments he would have 5 treatments a week for 4 weeks at a lower dose and they need to do more tests at Baptist hospital to check him completely out and see if he has any imediate problems. The doctors did say it could have already spread other places and not be detectable yet? and they needed to really stay on top of it. Expecting some short term memory loss which may straighten out after treatment is complete. Not sure as to stage but seems very serious to us ....should they be able to tell us a stage, maybe we are not asking the correct questions. There are probably too many relatives bombarding the docs with questions and I don't like to put a lot of stock in anything but what my wife and I actually hear ourselves....
I was under the assumption the Brain was a primary not metastatic. I am sorry - that is not good. They are probably calling this stage 4. Renal is an odd cancer - it's the only one I know that can spread to a soliltary site, and in rare circumstances - be curable. It's usually not an agressive cancer, so I understand their concern...
No good word here my friend - I am sorry.
tumbler pm