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Tebow gatorade.............

KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
I'm drinking it now!...................just amazing how he continues to do it................a 70s fullback playing QB in the modern NFL.....................

Now if he would only shorten that passing motion (quit bringing the ball below your waist!!!!!).............

...........he just might end up proving all the naysayers wrong.............



  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    Momma says foosball for da debil!
  • TeegeTeege Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 660
    He looked good today and even passed for 200 yards.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    His throwing motion is jacked... his footwork sucks... he telegraphs his throws... he's too quick to run when he should stand in the pocket and deliver the pass...

    I say blah blah blah blah BLAH to all of that - all this kid does is WIN! Isnt that whats important??? Good on him.

  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    The Sniper:
    His throwing motion is jacked... his footwork sucks... he telegraphs his throws... he's too quick to run when he should stand in the pocket and deliver the pass...

    I say blah blah blah blah BLAH to all of that - all this kid does is WIN! Isnt that whats important??? Good on him.

    "His throwing motion is jacked" - this is true, might not be fixable

    "his footwork sucks" - actually it's really not that bad

    "he telegraphs his throws" - no........it's just that the freakin "wind-up" in his delivery his so big, it seems like he is telegraphing his throw...............ooops.............guess that means he's telegraphing his throw (at least he doesn't stare at his primary receiver the whole time like Alex Smith used to (before Harbaugh gave him frontal lobe shock treatment!)

    "he's too quick to run when he should stand in the pocket and deliver the pass" - .......that's OK.....run Tebow run!!!

    "all this kid does is WIN! Isnt that whats important??? Good on him." - +10

  • HaybletHayblet Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,400
    I hate Tebow and any other former Florida Gator regardless if he ends up on my team or not. Someone will jack his ass and he'll stop running one day, all he is is a glory hog
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    I hate Tebow and any other former Florida Gator regardless if he ends up on my team or not. Someone will jack his ass and he'll stop running one day, all he is is a glory hog
    I understand hating Florida, but a glory hog??? This kid is about as polar opposite of today's "HEY LOOK AT ME!" athlete as it gets!!!

  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    The Sniper:
    I hate Tebow and any other former Florida Gator regardless if he ends up on my team or not. Someone will jack his ass and he'll stop running one day, all he is is a glory hog
    I understand hating Florida, but a glory hog??? This kid is about as polar opposite of today's "HEY LOOK AT ME!" athlete as it gets!!!

    I like Denver but not a Tebow fan, However IMO the Media has made more out of this guy than he has, I think hes handled the media pretty well. The media has made it more about Tebow than the Bronco's. However we all can see how much one individual can contribute to a team (Colts) I wish Tebow the best but he needs work if the Bronco's expect to go anywhere with him.. This last weeks win was definately a team win, not a Tebow win..
  • TeegeTeege Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 660
    The Kid:
    The Sniper:
    I hate Tebow and any other former Florida Gator regardless if he ends up on my team or not. Someone will jack his ass and he'll stop running one day, all he is is a glory hog
    I understand hating Florida, but a glory hog??? This kid is about as polar opposite of today's "HEY LOOK AT ME!" athlete as it gets!!!

    I like Denver but not a Tebow fan, However IMO the Media has made more out of this guy than he has, I think hes handled the media pretty well. The media has made it more about Tebow than the Bronco's. However we all can see how much one individual can contribute to a team (Colts) I wish Tebow the best but he needs work if the Bronco's expect to go anywhere with him.. Last weeks win was definately a team win, not a Tebow win..
    I think thats exactly what makes Tebow special is he makes everyone around him better. He might not be the best ok he is def not the best QB but he is a winner! And if you listen to his teammates they believe in him and he makes them all play at different levels. Think about it the only thing that has changed since the 1-4 broncos is... Tebow, everyone else is the same MINUS the best WR. (Now a ram) something about him just excites people including his team.
  • BigT06BigT06 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,899
    The Sniper:
    I hate Tebow and any other former Florida Gator regardless if he ends up on my team or not. Someone will jack his ass and he'll stop running one day, all he is is a glory hog
    I understand hating Florida, but a glory hog??? This kid is about as polar opposite of today's "HEY LOOK AT ME!" athlete as it gets!!!

    Agreed. He is the most humble athlete that has been in the spotlight in a long time, like him or not. "Glory hog"... really? That's beyond a stretch, my friend.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    The Sniper:
    I hate Tebow and any other former Florida Gator regardless if he ends up on my team or not. Someone will jack his ass and he'll stop running one day, all he is is a glory hog
    I understand hating Florida, but a glory hog??? This kid is about as polar opposite of today's "HEY LOOK AT ME!" athlete as it gets!!!

    Agreed. He is the most humble athlete that has been in the spotlight in a long time, like him or not. "Glory hog"... really? That's beyond a stretch, my friend.
    Not a fan of Florida and cant stand the Broncos, but I love this kid. What a refreshing change from the Terrell Owens' / Michael Vick's / Ndomukon Suh's of the world...

  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    So I just looked up a few stats.....quite surprising......as of tonight, for 7 games played:

    1) Tebow's passer rating - 87.9.....that's 10th in the NFL.........hmmmm (but it doesn't show up because he doesn't have enough attempts)...... and has almost 500 yards rushing.

    2) He only has 2 turnovers......pretty dang good.....takes care of the ball

    3) He's averaging 5.7 yds/carry.....and is running less, but smarter

    His scrambling ability, thus keeping a play alive, is highly under-rated. The other benefit is D lineman HATE having to chase Tebow all over, only to get a stiff arm in the face and slip-step while he escapes again and then burns them with a short pass.......he wears out a defense physically and mentally with the motion handoffs, fakes, keepers, and scrambling.
    He's pretty dang fast and has good power when he runs.
    He has his teammates drinking the gatorade!
    He is definitely not a gloryhog of any sort....that's preposterous.

    How long will it last? No clue......but for now it sure is fun to watch!
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    We have been drinking the Kool Aid down in these parts for years. Like one of his own teamates said" It is uncanny, he just comes alive in the 4th quarter" For those of us who have watched him play since high school, it is the norm for Tim. We drink it and believe. This kid is a winner.
  • BigT06BigT06 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,899
    The Sniper:
    The Sniper:
    I hate Tebow and any other former Florida Gator regardless if he ends up on my team or not. Someone will jack his ass and he'll stop running one day, all he is is a glory hog
    I understand hating Florida, but a glory hog??? This kid is about as polar opposite of today's "HEY LOOK AT ME!" athlete as it gets!!!

    Agreed. He is the most humble athlete that has been in the spotlight in a long time, like him or not. "Glory hog"... really? That's beyond a stretch, my friend.
    Not a fan of Florida and cant stand the Broncos, but I love this kid. What a refreshing change from the Terrell Owens' / Michael Vick's / Ndomukon Suh's of the world...

    Exactly. I hate the Gators and couldn't care less about the Broncos. But I do have a lot of respect for a good Christian man that has never waived his beliefs or sought credit for himself about anything. Any sport, and team, anytime, I will always have respect for a man like that. Period.
  • y2pascoey2pascoe Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,707
    After the Denver/Minnesota game Sunday the sideline reporter asked him what his take was on the evolution of the Broncos' offense. I thought it was a very interesting choice of words seeing Tim Tebow doesn't believe in evolution.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    LSU faced this kid for 4 years. And he consistently slapped them down. He is a winner. Period.
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    We have been drinking the Kool Aid down in these parts for years. Like one of his own teamates said" It is uncanny, he just comes alive in the 4th quarter" For those of us who have watched him play since high school, it is the norm for Tim. We drink it and believe. This kid is a winner.
    Right! I've been watching Tim run through people ever since he was wearing green and gold at Nease High School. Who woulda known then!
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    LSU faced this kid for 4 years. And he consistently slapped them down. He is a winner. Period.
    I wasn't a believer in him until his sophmore year when I saw him and Glenn Dorsey hit head on at full speed. Ten yards later with Dorsey on his back, I think that's where Glenn and I both became Tebow Believers. LOL
  • CharlieCordusCharlieCordus Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 84
    After the Denver/Minnesota game Sunday the sideline reporter asked him what his take was on the evolution of the Broncos' offense. I thought it was a very interesting choice of words seeing Tim Tebow doesn't believe in evolution.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    But I do have a lot of respect for a good Christian man that has never waived his beliefs or sought credit for himself about anything. Any sport, and team, anytime, I will always have respect for a man like that. Period.
    +1 and well said sir. Any question in which he is asked about his achievements big OR small is always answered with "My Lord..." or "My teammates..." or "The coaching staff..."

    A lot of people bemoan the fact that there are no role models in the world anymore. I think Mr. Tebow is an excellent one.

  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    I'm really looking forward to his upcoming game...Bears offense is in shambles, but they have a good D. I know there not ranked very high, I want to see how this one plays out
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    The Kid:
    I'm really looking forward to his upcoming game...Bears offense is in shambles, but they have a good D. I know there not ranked very high, I want to see how this one plays out
    Looks like Denver/Tebow have their hands full with the Chi D..Too bad the Chi offense is in such bad shape.
  • chemforeverchemforever Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,200
    The Kid:
    The Kid:
    I'm really looking forward to his upcoming game...Bears offense is in shambles, but they have a good D. I know there not ranked very high, I want to see how this one plays out
    Looks like Denver/Tebow have their hands full with the Chi D..Too bad the Chi offense is in such bad shape.
    not many team can afford to loose a starting QB, the Bears are certainly no exception. Hester just has to receive a few kickoffs or punts.
  • chemforeverchemforever Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,200
    Bears just might pull it off.
  • firetruckguyfiretruckguy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,484
  • TeegeTeege Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 660
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    still not a fan...lmao
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    well , i might have to start drinking yates gatorade ,the texans pulled another out today too,lol
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I still don't believe it. Chicago was up 10 to 0, had them shut out the entire game until the last 4 minutes, and Denver wins it in overtime on a field goal.

  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    yeah......it's getting really weird now.................wonder what flavor gatorade Tebow drinks?......probably orange being a bronco and all.......so here's a few nuggets

    * If Broncos beat the Patriots next week............then what........media freakin frenzy!

    * Poor John Elway...........he is on a no win situation........he don't want Tebow..........if he trades Tebow, the fans will NEVER forgive him unless the Broncos win the Super Bowl with their new QB...twice in a row..................if he stays with Tebow, and Tebow comes down to earth, and the Broncos go 6 and 10 next year.......the fans will blame him for sticking with Tebow..............

    * BUT......what if for some miraculous reason, the Broncos go deep in the playoffs..................and dare I say..............make it to the Super Bowl??!!................someone pass me Gatorade quick, I must be losing my mind............but what if they do......what does Elway do then?
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