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  • HippiebrianHippiebrian Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 146

    These "sad" "useful idiots" and "losers" have a lot to protest! They are graduating from college with 40 grand debt to pay back and being forced into Starbucks jobs (which don't allow them enough to pay their debts, pushing them further into debt)

    that is very true.
    a good portion of them have degrees that are useless like "women's studies" or "philosophy" and my new favorite from a local college: "hip-hop culture" and they wonder why they cant find a "real" job. there are already a TON of social workers out there. good luck finding a job in that field. it is saturated.

    so they end up at starbucks, or in the restaurant industry and they stand around at work, not working hard, and bitching about how they have a degree and this job is beneath them and they dont make enough money here. they feel that we should pay them more because they have a degree even though they do less than the mentally handicapped guy washing dishes. how do i know this? because this is what half of the staff i deal with on a daily basis does. the other half is not fresh out of school.

    A good portion of them also have engineering and business degrees. The real problem is that major corporations have decided to do more with less, so that those of us currently working are doing more overtime and more is expected of us so they don't have to hire any more employees. It's cheaper for them. These kids have no jobs to go to, work ethic or not.


    while these fat cats who got billion dollar "bailouts" are getting 30 and 40 million dollar bonuses!

    im pretty sure that everyone agrees that the bailouts were a huge debacle. they should piss people off.


    The top 1% pays a 15% tax rate (the current capitol gains tax rate) not counting the miriad of write-offs they get while I, as a true middle class citizen, pay a 35% tax rate with few if any tax write-offs.
    it is interesting that you chose to leave out their income tax part. you are comparing apples t0 oranges here. yeah they have 15% capitol gains tax, but thats just investments. (and YOUR capitol gains tax rate (because you pay that also) is lower than theirsl) this is money that they have that has already been taxed once but they decided to make it work for them in CDs, Gold, etc... (and when that money that they are investing goes out it helps others by way of giving others jobs). that investment makes them a percentage and they get taxed on that again. that 15% is higher than the lower income people. it is a 15% rate if your total income (including capital gain income) places you in the twenty-five percent tax bracket or higher

    it is a Zero percent rate if your total income (including capital gain income) places you in the ten or fifteen percent tax brackets.

    Actually, the top 1% takes it's income in stocks and only pay a 15% capitol gains tax. Period. Also, capitol gains tax, unlike income tax, is not tiered. I pay the same 15% as they do.

    the income tax rate they (the 1%) pay is 35% and if YOU are paying 35% then you are in the 1%. if you are like me (true middle class) you are paying somewhere between 15 and 25%
    so as far as income tax percent goes, the rich are paying more.

    if you look at the tax code in terms of dollars or percentages you will see that the top 25% pay the majority. if they have no income that year and only capitol gains, then they are not taxed for income, just capitol gains. i do not see the problem with that.

    i cant speak of
    write-offs. i take all that i can. since i donate to several charitable causes and i have interest on my house i take advantage of that. since i own my own business i take advantage of that where i can. as soon as i have kids ill take advantage of that. i dont feel that i have little to none. but i may looking at that on too much of an individual basis.

    I made 91 grand last year. I may make 95 this year. While this is a good income, good enough for me to be in the top tax bracket, it is still middle class, and in no way does it make me in the top 1%, which would require an income of 5 million a year or more. That's more thantwice what the top 1% pay.


    The government (Bush and Obama are equally guilty in this one) will bend over backwards to bail out multibillion dollar corporations who, to put it mildly, make major mistakes with their investments in order for them to continue to survive

    couldnt agree more. a corporation that shoots themselves in the foot should have to deal with it without the taxpayers money. once they know they can be bailed out there are more inclined to make stupid decisions that will effect more people and more often. i mean at that point they know they will be "saved" and there is no risk anymore.

    the sad fact remains that businesses fail and when they do, people lose out. the goal is to minimize that happening. the government bailing them out doesnt stop layoffs but it does encourage stupid decision making or decision making based off of "how to get more free money From the government" instead of "how to grow the business" or "how to create wealth"

    One stipulation for recieving that money should have been that they increase their work force back to pre-2008 levels. It was not, and they did not. Greed, pure and simple. The feds let them run away with it, not giving two s*&^s about the little guys.


    ...while some innocent family whose mother or father got laid off by one of the afore mentioned corporations loses their home and faces homelessness gets not one red cent. I don't mean unemployment. They paid into that, it's their money. I'm talking bailout money, money so they can thrive just like these corporations are thriving.

    it does suck that they dont have income. however it is not, nor should it be, the governments job to provide for these people. Just like it isnt the governments job to bail out businesses. those people dont have a right to money. they have a right to try and make it but not to have it. there is not a single "right" that exists that puts a burden on another person. rights do not force others to take action or to do anything. they never have they never will no matter what a government says. True Rights are not doled out by a government.

    Whose rsponsibility is it, then? There is a little clause in the beginning of the Constitution, "...provide for the good of the people." Low or no interest deferred payment loans to those who lost everything because a few made bad mistakes would be a much better use of my tax dollars than forgiving those who put them in the position to begin with.


    Those under 35 years old are facing almost twice the unemployment rate of those of us over 35. How can you say these people have nothing to protest? Where have you been for the last 10 years or so?
    ive been working for the last 10 years. (im 31) In fact, ive been working hard.
    ive been advancing in my field and moving up in the world. i have no degree. every day that passes i am more and more convinced that a degree means nothing when it is useless in comparison to someone with a good ol' fashioned work ethic.
    i never thought i would be able to say "kids these days" at the ripe old age of 31, but i seem to be part of a generation that feels entitled to everything. they are lazy and dont want to work for anything. they want to show up do nothing and get a check.
    i have no proof that their laziness is the cause of the unemployment being double that of those 10 years older, but i can see it every day in the people that apply and sometime get in to where i work.

    I'm glad you've managed to stay employed through all this. Laziness, however, is NOT the reason for the unreasonably high unemployment. Here it is in a nutshell. After the 2008 crash, companies had to downsize for a while because they could not afford the work force they had (their own fault, but that's neither here nor there). Once they started to get cash flow again, around mid 2009 or so, they started to realize that just making the employees they already had produce more and work more hours would give the same result (to them) for less money, as they didn't have to pay more employees' health care, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, etc. Greed set in (people are working more hours than could be considered safe in many instances) and people weren't hired back. Doesn't really matter what your work ethic is, if there is no job to go to, you don't get one.
  • HippiebrianHippiebrian Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 146
    Sorry, that didn't work too well, however a response was made to each of your responses, if you read the entire above post.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Sorry, that didn't work too well, however a response was made to each of your responses, if you read the entire above post.
    its cool. i did read it.
    you really need to learn the capitol gains tax rules before you complain about them. HERE is a link to help you out with that.
    sort and long term capitol gains IS tiered.
    im just sayin....

    the other interesting though that you had was this one:
    "One stipulation for recieving that money should have been that they increase their work force back to pre-2008 levels. It was not, and they did not. Greed, pure and simple. The feds let them run away with it, not giving two s*&^s about the little guys."

    it isnt greed IMO. you kinda hit the nail on the head later on in your post when you said this:
    " Once they started to get cash flow again, around mid 2009 or so, they started to realize that just making the employees they already had produce more and work more hours would give the same result "

    this means that the company became more efficient. there is nothing wrong with that. work for works sake does not create wealth. it will only drive a business under if it is wasteful. it does suck for those who lose out. no disagreement there.

    the only other comment i have is in response to this comment you made:

    Whose rsponsibility is it, then? There is a little clause in the beginning of the Constitution, "...provide for the good of the people."

    first off, that clause is NOT in the constitution. the beginning of the constitution is this:

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

    i believe what you are referring to is the "..promote the general welfare"

    this does not mean that the US government provides for the people. it means that the US government will not hinder you in creating your own life as you see fit provided you do not infringe on the rights of others. The US government is to "promote the general welfare" by creating a playing field where "all men are created equal" (from the declaration of independence)

    so... who's responsibility is it to provide for people?
    it is the peoples responsibility. it is the responsibility of the individual to take care of themselves. If others want to help them, they are more than welcome to do so. the government is only there to make sure others do not violate the rights of the individual to pursue wealth, happiness, and liberty.

    if a corporation is violating rights, i am all for punishing them. i do not see how not giving a job to anyone is violating rights. nobody has a right to a job, only the right to pursue one.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    on a side note...
    this has gotten WAY off topic.
    i was actually interested in reading about the police and that lady and what it means to be a good cop etc...

    i DO enjoy discussing various thoughts of political theory especially concepts/theory behind and not actual policy.

    i kinda hope we get back to that so i can read the thoughts on this.

  • HippiebrianHippiebrian Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 146
    on a side note...
    this has gotten WAY off topic.
    i was actually interested in reading about the police and that lady and what it means to be a good cop etc...

    i DO enjoy discussing various thoughts of political theory especially concepts/theory behind and not actual policy.

    i kinda hope we get back to that so i can read the thoughts on this.

    You're right...I am (obviously) upset with how the authorities are handling this movement across the board. It's public land, and they should be able to protest there. This is, after all, the United States and not Egypt!

    While the cops may not have heard her yelling that she was pregnant, they were going overboard anyhow, and pregnant or not, none of this should have happened.

    (btw, look at that chart again, long term capitol gains is 15% across the board, only short term gains are tiered).
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    on a side note...
    this has gotten WAY off topic.
    i was actually interested in reading about the police and that lady and what it means to be a good cop etc...

    i DO enjoy discussing various thoughts of political theory especially concepts/theory behind and not actual policy.

    i kinda hope we get back to that so i can read the thoughts on this.

    You're right...I am (obviously) upset with how the authorities are handling this movement across the board. It's public land, and they should be able to protest there. This is, after all, the United States and not Egypt! While the cops may not have heard her yelling that she was pregnant, they were going overboard anyhow, and pregnant or not, none of this should have happened. (btw, look at that chart again, long term capitol gains is 15% across the board, only short term gains are tiered).
    they are CLEARLY 0% for the two lowest tax brackets and 15% for the four highest. im not really sure how you missed that, but whatever. everyone that cares can check out the links. this isnt the argument im looking to read.
  • Knoxca1Knoxca1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 147
    It's public land, and they should be able to protest there. This is, after all, the United States and not Egypt!
    Not if their protest is infringing on the rights of the other students to attend a class that they paid for.
  • CvilleECvilleE Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,177
    It's public land, and they should be able to protest there. This is, after all, the United States and not Egypt!
    Not if their protest is infringing on the rights of the other students to attend a class that they paid for.
    Right...public land is public access...I feel if it disrupts that then you are subject to be policed. Peaceful protest I understand, but if lay in traffic your liable (keyword) to get run over.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    Hopefully it hasn't escaped notice that the premise of the original post, regarding a miscarriage, was a lie. Apparently the woman wasn't pregnant and has been using the "pregnancy" bit on previous occassions to try to gain sympathy. http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2011/11/22/questioning-the-accuracy-of-jennifer-foxs-miscarriage-claim
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Amendment I - US Constitution Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; OR THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE PEACABLLY TO ASSEMBLE, AND TO PETITION THE GOVERNMENT FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. Note: The RIGHT of the People to peacably assemble, especially for purposes of redressing grievances is supposed to be protected, and allowed IN FREE AMERICA. If the Police are paid to protect the rights of the people, I cannot understand why anyone would defend the Police when they disrupt and prohibit these FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS. Personally, I don't care if commerce, or the movement of others is inconvenienced by people who are engaging in constitutionally protected activity. When we decide that these activities should be trumped for ANY REASON, then we are deciding that these first amendment RIGHTS no longer apply.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    Hopefully it hasn't escaped notice that the premise of the original post, regarding a miscarriage, was a lie. Apparently the woman wasn't pregnant and has been using the "pregnancy" bit on previous occassions to try to gain sympathy. http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2011/11/22/questioning-the-accuracy-of-jennifer-foxs-miscarriage-claim
    Exactly right. This story is bogus and anyone with half a brain who saw the Seattle news report on this the other day could tell that the girl in question is a nutjob.

    Here's a legit news piece on it: link

    Nice try Pheebs.....
  • Knoxca1Knoxca1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 147
    Personally, I don't care if commerce, or the movement of others is inconvenienced by people who are engaging in constitutionally protected activity. When we decide that these activities should be trumped for ANY REASON, then we are deciding that these first amendment RIGHTS no longer apply.
    That's because this protest is not preventing YOUR movement. I bet you would care if it was your shop that was now not getting any business because of a protest or if you were not able to attend a class that you paid for. No one is saying they can't protest, why don't they protest at the local park?
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    No, I'm not the center of the world. If I am inconvenienced by people excercising their protected constitutional rights, that is one price we all pay for living in a free democratic republic. The right of the people to peacably assemble is supposed to be a protected activity. It is the duty of the government, (and the police are a function of the government), to protect the rights of the people that are guranteed in the Constitution. Commerce does not trump the right of the people to peacably assemble.
  • deejmemixxdeejmemixx Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,064
    blah blah blah, people make more than me blah blah blah. Why do they have more than me blah blah blah. Why do I make no money with my non important degree that my rich parents paid for blah blah blah. I only listen to my liberal professors blah blah blah.

    Ya a very immature post...but so tired of hearing all this crap.

    I make enough to be considered in poverty, I raise three kids, no debt, put myself through school twice (no degree sadly). I should be right there with all the "poor people protesting", but FK that noise. People make more money than me because they have a skill that is better than someone else.
    There are jobs out there, but people are making money on unemployment, welfare, food stamps etc etc etc and figure hell why should I go to work, 3/4 of my liberal asshat friends are doing this as I type.

    There are many things wrong with our country at the moment, the biggest are entitlement syndrome, govt. spending and the fact that it snows where I live. Where is this damn global warming? It needs to hurry up so I don't have to deal with cold whether...
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    "...There are many things wrong with our country at the moment, the biggest are entitlement syndrome..." There is no group of people in the United States who have a larger sense of entitlement than those on Wall St. who demand multi-million dollar bonuses for crashing the world economy with their greed, their corruption, their lying and cheating gambling with other peoples money.
  • deejmemixxdeejmemixx Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,064
    "...There are many things wrong with our country at the moment, the biggest are entitlement syndrome..." There is no group of people in the United States who have a larger sense of entitlement than those on Wall St. who demand multi-million dollar bonuses for crashing the world economy with their greed, their corruption, their lying and cheating gambling with other peoples money.
    haha, thanks I just LOL'd all over the screen.
  • JZJZ Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 827
  • Knoxca1Knoxca1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 147
    No, I'm not the center of the world. If I am inconvenienced by people excercising their protected constitutional rights, that is one price we all pay for living in a free democratic republic. The right of the people to peacably assemble is supposed to be a protected activity. It is the duty of the government, (and the police are a function of the government), to protect the rights of the people that are guranteed in the Constitution. Commerce does not trump the right of the people to peacably assemble.
    No, living in a free and democratic republic means other people rights are not more important than my own. I have the right to pay and go to college, if I get accepted to that college. No one has the right to prevent me from doing that. I also have the right to not buy a service or product if I feel it is not worth the selling price.
  • dowjr1dowjr1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 600
    Deej is right and JDH is struggling. The reality is you are dumb to put yourself and your unborn child in harm's way for something like this. If you agree with OWS cause then fine, but don't risk your baby over it...not worth it. Of course, that assumes she was really prego. Flagyp is right also. Make no mistake, Obama is lost and our country's economy and DEBT is careening out of control because we do not have a leader. Foreign policy (policy of appeasement...such as us dropping our nuclear defense positions in Czech and Pol to make Russia happy in exchange for them helping with Iran...which they have not) has produced nothing, unemployment higher, debt MASSIVELY higher, our credit ratings dropping, and miserable GDP. BO had everything he wanted for 2 years and what did he spend his efforts on? Obamacare. Oh and no whiners saying he inherited a bad situation. Almost every college football coach who starts a new job does so bc the previous guy got fired and things are a mess. After a few years though you know if you have the right guy. How long did it take Nick Saban or Urban Myer to change Bama or Florida and put them on the right track again? That's right...the teams improved almost instantly. Well here we are three years in with BO and still LOTS of questions. Folks we have the wrong guy and its time for a change. OWS is just another symptom of a country out of control bc no one is leading it.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    blah blah blah, people make more than me blah blah blah. Why do they have more than me blah blah blah. Why do I make no money with my non important degree that my rich parents paid for blah blah blah. I only listen to my liberal professors blah blah blah.

    Ya a very immature post...but so tired of hearing all this crap.

    I make enough to be considered in poverty, I raise three kids, no debt, put myself through school twice (no degree sadly). I should be right there with all the "poor people protesting", but FK that noise. People make more money than me because they have a skill that is better than someone else.
    There are jobs out there, but people are making money on unemployment, welfare, food stamps etc etc etc and figure hell why should I go to work, 3/4 of my liberal asshat friends are doing this as I type.

    There are many things wrong with our country at the moment, the biggest are entitlement syndrome, govt. spending and the fact that it snows where I live. Where is this damn global warming? It needs to hurry up so I don't have to deal with cold whether...
    LMAO!!! Nicely done deej. :-D

  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    blah blah blah, people make more than me blah blah blah. Why do they have more than me blah blah blah. Why do I make no money with my non important degree that my rich parents paid for blah blah blah. I only listen to my liberal professors blah blah blah.

    Ya a very immature post...but so tired of hearing all this crap.

    I make enough to be considered in poverty, I raise three kids, no debt, put myself through school twice (no degree sadly). I should be right there with all the "poor people protesting", but FK that noise. People make more money than me because they have a skill that is better than someone else.
    There are jobs out there, but people are making money on unemployment, welfare, food stamps etc etc etc and figure hell why should I go to work, 3/4 of my liberal asshat friends are doing this as I type.

    There are many things wrong with our country at the moment, the biggest are entitlement syndrome, govt. spending and the fact that it snows where I live. Where is this damn global warming? It needs to hurry up so I don't have to deal with cold whether...
    LMAO!!! Nicely done deej. :-D

  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I am very new to this forum, and do not yet know the tenor or extent of tolerance for political discussions that flourishes here, nor am I familiar with the personalities who post here. I do know that the US is as politically polarized as it was in 1968, and that political discussions can result in heated debate, often becoming uncivil in nature. I am not interested in engaging in that kind of discussion, especially with people I do not know, and who do not know me. For those reasons, I think I'll just refrain from posting on political threads until I have a little better understanding of the way things are here...... I am attracted to this site because of the possibility of discussing a common interest in premium cigars. From what I've seen, there are many who post here who have an extensive knowledge and passion for them, and I'd like to enjoy this common interest. The thread about individual humidor set-ups was a real eye-opener. Some of you guys have very impressive collections. I'm looking forward to reading what many of you have to say, and hopefully, I'll be able to make useful contributions from time to time....... I do have one question, though. I can't insert paragraphs in my posts, even though I compose my responses with them. What am I missing? Thanks in advance for any insight that can be provided.
  • amz1301amz1301 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,287
    I do have one question, though. I can't insert paragraphs in my posts, even though I compose my responses with them. What am I missing? Thanks in advance for any insight that can be provided.
    How to format post

  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Stick to the cigars unless your ready for a brick wall JDH. Thats not a smack at a lot of guys here personally, they are just so passionate and believing in their "political beliefs" its often not worth the energy to try and put forth another view---always a losing battle. Im also certain they would feel the same way about myself and a few other guys here on what we feel on said topics. Anyway---on cigars, we all get along pretty d@mn good. Nice to meet you man.................

    PS----youre right about the REAL criminals being on Wall St;)--------That said, its all about money, not really politics.... and so long as we all feed into these debates and not start looking at the monetary/physical/mental/ect oppression the biggest money in this country puts on us, we're screwed. Very little difference between Soros and the Koch Brothers at the end of the day.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I do have one question, though. I can't insert paragraphs in my posts, even though I compose my responses with them. What am I missing? Thanks in advance for any insight that can be provided.
    How to format post

    Excellent! Many thanks.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Stick to the cigars unless your ready for a brick wall JDH. Thats not a smack at a lot of guys here personally, they are just so passionate and believing in their "political beliefs" its often not worth the energy to try and put forth another view---always a losing battle. Im also certain they would feel the same way about myself and a few other guys here on what we feel on said topics. Anyway---on cigars, we all get along pretty d@mn good. Nice to meet you man.................

    PS----youre right about the REAL criminals being on Wall St;)--------That said, its all about money, not really politics.... and so long as we all feed into these debates and not start looking at the monetary/physical/mental/ect oppression the biggest money in this country puts on us, we're screwed. Very little difference between Soros and the Koch Brothers at the end of the day.
    Sounds like good advice. I appreciate it very much. These days I'm often reminded of an old Stephen Stills line: "With so many talking and nobody listening, how do we decide?"
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    I am very new to this forum, and do not yet know the tenor or extent of tolerance for political discussions that flourishes here, nor am I familiar with the personalities who post here. I do know that the US is as politically polarized as it was in 1968, and that political discussions can result in heated debate, often becoming uncivil in nature. I am not interested in engaging in that kind of discussion, especially with people I do not know, and who do not know me. For those reasons, I think I'll just refrain from posting on political threads until I have a little better understanding of the way things are here...... I am attracted to this site because of the possibility of discussing a common interest in premium cigars. From what I've seen, there are many who post here who have an extensive knowledge and passion for them, and I'd like to enjoy this common interest. The thread about individual humidor set-ups was a real eye-opener. Some of you guys have very impressive collections. I'm looking forward to reading what many of you have to say, and hopefully, I'll be able to make useful contributions from time to time....... I do have one question, though. I can't insert paragraphs in my posts, even though I compose my responses with them. What am I missing? Thanks in advance for any insight that can be provided.
    JDH - Let if fly. what's good about this forum, is that it begins and ends with cigars. Go ahead and insult me, or Vulchor for that matter. We can take it. LOL
  • wwesternwwestern Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,386
    Big money loves big government, it's like a safety net to make sure they stay rich using regulations and such to stifle competition. Back to the topic at hand, the constitution is very clear about this but most will only follow the constitution and support it while it supports their agenda.
  • wwesternwwestern Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,386
    I am very new to this forum, and do not yet know the tenor or extent of tolerance for political discussions that flourishes here, nor am I familiar with the personalities who post here. I do know that the US is as politically polarized as it was in 1968, and that political discussions can result in heated debate, often becoming uncivil in nature. I am not interested in engaging in that kind of discussion, especially with people I do not know, and who do not know me. For those reasons, I think I'll just refrain from posting on political threads until I have a little better understanding of the way things are here...... I am attracted to this site because of the possibility of discussing a common interest in premium cigars. From what I've seen, there are many who post here who have an extensive knowledge and passion for them, and I'd like to enjoy this common interest. The thread about individual humidor set-ups was a real eye-opener. Some of you guys have very impressive collections. I'm looking forward to reading what many of you have to say, and hopefully, I'll be able to make useful contributions from time to time....... I do have one question, though. I can't insert paragraphs in my posts, even though I compose my responses with them. What am I missing? Thanks in advance for any insight that can be provided.
    JDH - Let if fly. what's good about this forum, is that it begins and ends with cigars. Go ahead and insult me, or Vulchor for that matter. We can take it. LOL
    +1 It all stays here in off topic.... we're all just people trying to figure out the world, sharing thoughts on how to improve it. While it might get heated sometimes we all remember why we're here.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Thanks, but I'll pass. I work in Public Safety, and deal with people who like to throw insults every day.

    I really don't want to go looking for that kind of conversation for recreation.
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