Received the email from ccom for the pre black Friday sale. What 2 deals would you guys recommend? I'm leaning towards the Full Flavored Fourteen and the Pan American Allstars.
Anyone else a little underwhelmed with these deals? Guess I'm just too used to be spoiled.
I have to say I felt the exact same way a rep could give you better deals.
The Pre Black Friday sale page is just the Clearance Page renamed. I was looking at that page last night and it is the exact page with a new banner.
Detective Laker saves us again !!! Whats up Doug ? You gettin some rest from the vacation bro ?
How you doin' Buddy. I have plans to sit down and do some writing this weekend. Gene you are first on the list sir.
You making a book? Was cuba that horrible? did you get locked up abroad? ....
No, none of those things LOL. I came back and seemed to have to hit the ground running. So many things to do and so many new things keep coming up that need my attention that I am just too tired and can't be bothered by the time I get a few minutes in the evening.
Cuba was facinating, and very enjoyable. There was so much to see and learn and the people are really incredible. Very welcoming people indeed. I just want to sit down and try to do justice to the trip.
Funny thing was, and I'll expand on this later, but the really only disapointing thing for me was the cigars!! For now all I will say is that when I go back (and I will) I will be bringing my own sticks from home to smoke while down there.
Anyone else a little underwhelmed with these deals? Guess I'm just too used to be spoiled.
I have to say I felt the exact same way a rep could give you better deals.
The Pre Black Friday sale page is just the Clearance Page renamed. I was looking at that page last night and it is the exact page with a new banner.
Detective Laker saves us again !!! Whats up Doug ? You gettin some rest from the vacation bro ?
How you doin' Buddy. I have plans to sit down and do some writing this weekend. Gene you are first on the list sir.
You making a book? Was cuba that horrible? did you get locked up abroad? ....
No, none of those things LOL. I came back and seemed to have to hit the ground running. So many things to do and so many new things keep coming up that need my attention that I am just too tired and can't be bothered by the time I get a few minutes in the evening.
Cuba was facinating, and very enjoyable. There was so much to see and learn and the people are really incredible. Very welcoming people indeed. I just want to sit down and try to do justice to the trip.
Funny thing was, and I'll expand on this later, but the really only disapointing thing for me was the cigars!! For now all I will say is that when I go back (and I will) I will be bringing my own sticks from home to smoke while down there.
really? wow, haven't heard that before. maybe you've been spoiled on all the great nic cigars.
Anyone else a little underwhelmed with these deals? Guess I'm just too used to be spoiled.
I have to say I felt the exact same way a rep could give you better deals.
The Pre Black Friday sale page is just the Clearance Page renamed. I was looking at that page last night and it is the exact page with a new banner.
Detective Laker saves us again !!! Whats up Doug ? You gettin some rest from the vacation bro ?
How you doin' Buddy. I have plans to sit down and do some writing this weekend. Gene you are first on the list sir.
You making a book? Was cuba that horrible? did you get locked up abroad? ....
No, none of those things LOL. I came back and seemed to have to hit the ground running. So many things to do and so many new things keep coming up that need my attention that I am just too tired and can't be bothered by the time I get a few minutes in the evening.
Cuba was facinating, and very enjoyable. There was so much to see and learn and the people are really incredible. Very welcoming people indeed. I just want to sit down and try to do justice to the trip.
Funny thing was, and I'll expand on this later, but the really only disapointing thing for me was the cigars!! For now all I will say is that when I go back (and I will) I will be bringing my own sticks from home to smoke while down there.
The cigars that bad or just not what you expected?
Anyone else a little underwhelmed with these deals? Guess I'm just too used to be spoiled.
I have to say I felt the exact same way a rep could give you better deals.
The Pre Black Friday sale page is just the Clearance Page renamed. I was looking at that page last night and it is the exact page with a new banner.
Detective Laker saves us again !!! Whats up Doug ? You gettin some rest from the vacation bro ?
How you doin' Buddy. I have plans to sit down and do some writing this weekend. Gene you are first on the list sir.
You making a book? Was cuba that horrible? did you get locked up abroad? ....
No, none of those things LOL. I came back and seemed to have to hit the ground running. So many things to do and so many new things keep coming up that need my attention that I am just too tired and can't be bothered by the time I get a few minutes in the evening.
Cuba was facinating, and very enjoyable. There was so much to see and learn and the people are really incredible. Very welcoming people indeed. I just want to sit down and try to do justice to the trip.
Funny thing was, and I'll expand on this later, but the really only disapointing thing for me was the cigars!! For now all I will say is that when I go back (and I will) I will be bringing my own sticks from home to smoke while down there.
The cigars that bad or just not what you expected?
The cigars are just what I expected unfortuately. I just convinced myself to NOT bring anything from home to a country like Cuba. I should have listened to myself. The cigars are all very fresh, and the humidity is so high that I just could NOT enjoy a cigar. The draw was to tight (humidity) and the cigars were disapointing (this is a cuban!?) because they were like all other Cubans I've smoked... either age it or you won't see what all the fuss is about.
Everytime I lit up... the same scenario. This is 100% true. When I got home... 5 minutes later I'm smoking a Nicaraguan with a big smile on my face.
Detective Laker saves us again !!! Whats up Doug ? You gettin some rest from the vacation bro ?
Cuba was facinating, and very enjoyable. There was so much to see and learn and the people are really incredible. Very welcoming people indeed. I just want to sit down and try to do justice to the trip.
Funny thing was, and I'll expand on this later, but the really only disapointing thing for me was the cigars!! For now all I will say is that when I go back (and I will) I will be bringing my own sticks from home to smoke while down there.
Everytime I lit up... the same scenario. This is 100% true. When I got home... 5 minutes later I'm smoking a Nicaraguan with a big smile on my face.