I think we need to start a Noob Terms thread so that everyone can put terms and abbreviations that are used on this forum. BOTL,B&M...etc. so that noobs will have a place to look. It may already be there i just couldn't find it. There are lots of abbreviations used here though thats for sure.
I think we need to start a Noob Terms thread so that everyone can put terms and abbreviations that are used on this forum. BOTL,B&M...etc. so that noobs will have a place to look. It may already be there i just couldn't find it. There are lots of abbreviations used here though thats for sure.
There are threads like that... you just gotta use the search function.
I can't remember who said it (it's in their signature) but it's a typo for botl - if I remember the story correctly.
This would be correct. I fat fingered my keyboard at work and then it took off from there. Hell I didn't even know I did it and then was wondering what it meant for like 2 weeks hahaha
Small world. My wife's cousin lives in Southside. We usually go down every year to visit.