Are you serious! I was summoned for Jury Duty on the week of my first born!
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 469
Geez the most important day of my life this has to happen! Flipping ticked!
Of course, before that, you might try going to the Clerk's office (or call), explaining you just had a kid, and they may let you out of jury duty altogether. Or, just not go - IIRC, most jury summons aren't tracked, so they can't prove you ever received it, so you could just ignore it and if anyone asks, just tell them you never got it
I dunno how other states are but in PA you have to sign it and send it back within 7 or 10 days. But I agree, call the clerk and just explain the situation and ask to be rescheduled. Good luck fella
I got one a week after I turned 18
I was leaving for School in Texas the next day so I just trashed it. When the court called me I just told them I lived in Texas.
For the second one I received I got picked and sat in the jury room for 6 hours. The guy entered a plea bargain at the last minute and the clerk dismissed us.
The third time was the charm broke the written rules and wore jeans and my punisher t-shirt was promptly dismissed.
Most often I was excused the night before, but if there is a heavy court load you go down and spend the day waiting for a case. Some times you get called for a week. Than you have to show up everyday for a week waiting for a trial. That one is a B.
I have been on many cases, and must appear to be of sound mind, so I get a VIP pass in the jury pool. Also, I am a State Employee... This means I get paid no matter how long I need to be out and I will suffer no financial hardship as a result of extended jury service.