Drink lots of water... probably got dehydrated which is what any type of hangover really is, dehydration. Replace the fluid and electrolytes lost and you'll feel ship shape again.
Drink lots of water... probably got dehydrated which is what any type of hangover really is, dehydration. Replace the fluid and electrolytes lost and you'll feel ship shape again.
I think I have one. Four sticks in one night may do that I guess.
...been there. Sometimes it only takes one. For me it is always the Oliva V maduro. I fear that stick. Also, The Camacho Corojo... That's a hangover waiting to happen if you aren't careful.
Drink lots of water... probably got dehydrated which is what any type of hangover really is, dehydration. Replace the fluid and electrolytes lost and you'll feel ship shape again.
Funny thing is, nicotine actually causes you to retain more water. Just had to throw that there to make myself feel smart heh
Mike, just man up..................................
You can actually get a prescription for that.... lol. J/K. and from my experience when i have a hangover, i can drink all the water/electrolytes until im pissin' clear, and i feel better, but still feel like sh!t. LOL.
Unless you're diabetic, this more than likely isn't your problem.