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How many humidors is too many?



  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    Meaning at what number of humidors does it become unmanageable or overwhelming. I have four desktops already filled and just wanted to see what kind of set ups and combinations of humidors other people have running.
    Again, there are many many variables to your question.
    People here have all kinds of different set-ups.
    For some, 4 humis might be too many, others may have no problem maintaining 10.
    The main advantages of a coolidor are cost, capacity, flexibility. The main disadvantage (for some) is "looks".
    So many variables: how much do you smoke?
    do you want to buy boxes?
    do you want to age cigars
    are you retired, or do you work 75 hours/week?
    is there anyone else in your life (wife, kids, inlaws, animals) that might impact/influence your storage options?

    I'm running four, and it's getting to be a bit of a pain, as I'm out of space (have room for maybe 30 more sticks tops.)
    Plus, when sticks come in - I invariably have to shuffle stuff around, etc..............................I'm trying to hold out.......but a cooler is in my future, or something similar (I have a good idea that I'll post here later.)
  • boydmcgowanboydmcgowan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,101
    Meaning at what number of humidors does it become unmanageable or overwhelming. I have four desktops already filled and just wanted to see what kind of set ups and combinations of humidors other people have running.
    Yeah man, this is all personal preferance. To steal DS Warmack's line, You gotta make your own normal on this one and do what you want.

    I run 2 humis with a modest stash, becuase thats enough for me and I use the space as my budget enforcer. For me, it doens't matter how good the deal is, if I can't fit it in one of those two humi's then I don't need to buy it. I run 1 125 count filled with my favorites that I've stocked up on, sort of a mini box storage stash. And then 1 50 count filled with overflow and singles. That works for me. If I ever needed more space I'd upgrade one of those two to a bigger humi and retire the samller one, becuase I like the set up having 1 big one for multiples and aging and 1 small one for singles and my smoking stash. That works for me and I don't see myself changing that.
  • JudoChinXJudoChinX Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 775
    Meaning at what number of humidors does it become unmanageable or overwhelming. I have four desktops already filled and just wanted to see what kind of set ups and combinations of humidors other people have running.
    Yeah man, this is all personal preferance. To steal DS Warmack's line, You gotta make your own normal on this one and do what you want.

    I run 2 humis with a modest stash, becuase thats enough for me and I use the space as my budget enforcer. For me, it doens't matter how good the deal is, if I can't fit it in one of those two humi's then I don't need to buy it. I run 1 125 count filled with my favorites that I've stocked up on, sort of a mini box storage stash. And then 1 50 count filled with overflow and singles. That works for me. If I ever needed more space I'd upgrade one of those two to a bigger humi and retire the samller one, becuase I like the set up having 1 big one for multiples and aging and 1 small one for singles and my smoking stash. That works for me and I don't see myself changing that.
    I had this sort of outlook until one day I convinced myself to get more storage. I'm sure when that fills up I'll do it again, and again, and again. I have issues.
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