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Fuente Fire



  • kevin1323kevin1323 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 294
    I may not understand how this works, but I don't think they are overpricing. They have to be selling to distributors at a price less than the MSRP, right? The MSRP is not that high for their stuff.

    I could be wrong, but the shops selling would be the ones charging the market rate (above msrp), not the Fuente family.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,294
    Hate to be the jerk here but that must have been the best smelling camp fire around. I mean, come on. Don't tell me you guys weren't thinking that must have smelled AMAZING!

    OK, here's the real b-hole in me. Ya think it's karma for all the overpricing they do and money of ours that they burn?

    In all seriousness, this is terrible, but the Fuente family has seen so much hardship and has overcome everything that has been thrown at them thus far. They will prevail as they always have. I wish them the best.
    DOn't forget that a lot of their expensive stuff like Opus is overpriced by the seller. If you look at MSRP for Opus and Anejo it is nothing compared to what most shops cost. However other stuff like Don Carlos 30th, GoF, Opus 22, etc... are all special edition stuff that is priced high with the proceeds going towards the CFCF. I agree that prices are a little high especially for the Opus 22 (that's really high for what you get). Padron is no saint either. $25 for any of their family blends, Gurkha HMR $750?
  • bigmatt72bigmatt72 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 89
    From what I understand Arturo Fuente donates profits from Lost City to charity. I can imagine if the fire occurred to a Gurkha plant I think this thread would have an entirely different tone.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    From what I understand Arturo Fuente donates profits from Lost City to charity. I can imagine if the fire occurred to a Gurkha plant I think this thread would have an entirely different tone.
    Not quite sure what you mean, but I trust in the fact that I would have EQUALLY made fun of both fires...
  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    I'm not sure what makes guys on this board think that Fuente cigars are so expensive... They really aren't. Some retailers gouge on Opus and Anejos, but MSRP on those is like... 9 to 17 dollars depending on size. Don't be mad at Fuente that your retailer is doubling the prices on Opus... be mad at your scumbag retailer for gouging. Heck, the regular Gran Reserva line is like... $3 to 7$ range. As for the aged selection stuff, and Lost City stuff... proceeds go to Charity, and they use actual limited, rare tobacco (Lost City uses tobacco from the crop grown for the Andy Garcia movie, hence the rarity). I think a lot of guys also need to remember that cigars are a luxury item, with a wide range of quality on the market. You get what you pay for, like like watches, wine, whisky, etc.
  • Rob1110Rob1110 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,454
    I actually happen to get opus for msrp around here but that's still a bit pricey for what you get. My issue is that, like wine, these particular blends can vary greatly from year to year but that doesn't stop them from putting out less than stellar product. Top wine makers don't release their top blends on bad years. They either take the loss or, usually, sell their harvest to lesser vineyards. I'm just getting sick of having to test a sample of opus from each batch before determining whether or not it was a good harvest and is worth buying more to age.
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