Tried? No. Smelled an Erin Go Braugh and a Maker's Mark once each though, and both times made my eyes roll back into my head. LOL Hopefully someone can give you some USEFUL enlightenment on the Oliveros Gold. <BR
I just picked up one each of the three flavors and was curious to learn whatever I could about 'em before I actually sparked one of 'em up. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
I've had one of the rum ones, it was OK but also right off the truck, will have to wait a bit on another. I would probably prefer the cognac. For about two bucks each very acceptable, and I can always reuse the glass tubos.
The wife and I just tried them the other night. For a $3 stick it was not bad. It was very light, construction was fine. The rum flavor was not as strong as say when you smoke a gurka infused cigar, or the makers mark.