o.k. after a long day of thinking it over, i still didnt come up witha good movie, but here goes with one clue #1 : new movie to a old family of movies
clue #2: this is the first in the newest movies for this franchise
o.k. after a long day of thinking it over, i still didnt come up witha good movie, but here goes with one clue #1 : new movie to a old family of movies
clue #2: this is the first in the newest movies for this franchise
Okay, then...I have two thoughts here. The first one will continue the theme I already went with...Live Free or Die Hard.
o.k. after a long day of thinking it over, i still didnt come up witha good movie, but here goes with one clue #1 : new movie to a old family of movies
clue #2: this is the first in the newest movies for this franchise
lil' slow today,
clue #3: there are 2 types of basic main charactors
o.k. after a long day of thinking it over, i still didnt come up witha good movie, but here goes with one clue #1 : new movie to a old family of movies
clue #2: this is the first in the newest movies for this franchise
lil' slow today,
clue #3: there are 2 types of basic main charactors
o.k. after a long day of thinking it over, i still didnt come up witha good movie, but here goes with one clue #1 : new movie to a old family of movies
clue #2: this is the first in the newest movies for this franchise
lil' slow today,
clue #3: there are 2 types of basic main charactors
clue #4: hunters
Well, now you've thrown me. I'll go with I Am Legend. It's a remake of The Omega Man and comes from the same source as the Last Man on Earth, and there's hunting in it. Still like Vincent Price better than Will Smith, even if the newer one has better action. Oh, and zombies and humans.
Theeeeeere it is!! I've already got your addy and an idea.
Wow!! This is what came in the mail this week as the "prize" .. This so over the top and you even looked at my wish list for what I'd like to try .. I can hardly wait to get a parka on tonight, stoke the fire pour a shot and try one of those Graycliffs... Thanks doesn't even make a dent.... But .. Thank you my friend...
Glad you liked it! Like I said in the PM, the shot glass is from a distillery called 4-spirits named in honor of 4 guys the owner served with who didn't make it home from Afghanistan; he's a good guy so even though their whiskey is still a bit young I still like to buy from him. Oh, and Merry Christmas!
The shot glass is already on the bar .. Ready for the Christmas holiday frivolity .. I'll be sure to pass along the story .. If they have a website I'd like to give it a try .. Thank you again
o.k. after a long day of thinking it over, i still didnt come up witha good movie, but here goes with one clue #1 : new movie to a old family of movies
clue #2: this is the first in the newest movies for this franchise
lil' slow today,
clue #3: there are 2 types of basic main charactors
clue #4: hunters
clue #5: the main cast charactors where chosen becuase they where killers in one way or anther
o.k. after a long day of thinking it over, i still didnt come up witha good movie, but here goes with one clue #1 : new movie to a old family of movies
clue #2: this is the first in the newest movies for this franchise
lil' slow today,
clue #3: there are 2 types of basic main charactors
clue #4: hunters
clue #5: the main cast charactors where chosen becuase they where killers in one way or anther
o.k. after a long day of thinking it over, i still didnt come up witha good movie, but here goes with one clue #1 : new movie to a old family of movies
clue #2: this is the first in the newest movies for this franchise
lil' slow today,
clue #3: there are 2 types of basic main charactors
clue #4: hunters
clue #5: the main cast charactors where chosen becuase they where killers in one way or anther
clue #3: there are 2 types of basic main charactors
Well, now you've thrown me. I'll go with I Am Legend. It's a remake of The Omega Man and comes from the same source as the Last Man on Earth, and there's hunting in it. Still like Vincent Price better than Will Smith, even if the newer one has better action. Oh, and zombies and humans.