MVW67: MVW67:1st clue WW II movie.... Clue #2 This is a Sequel.....
MVW67:1st clue WW II movie....
MVW67: MVW67: MVW67:1st clue WW II movie.... Clue #2 This is a Sequel..... Clue #3 at least three actors in movie were also in a couple of the James Bond movies!!
beatnic:Not nearly as good as the original.
beatnic:And great theme music. Looks like Curt got it.
curtpick:Force 10 from navarone
MVW67: curtpick:Force 10 from navarone Yes , yes weinner weinner!,,,,,,, just needed excuse to well destroy some one back in town late tomorrow, will get out! Congrats Curt!!!
curtpick:Clue 1: there was a lot of crying in this movieClue 2: there was a tracker in this movieClue 3:The wife in this Movie was a Painter
oh crap,really ? Do I wait for confirmation or just begin with the next movie clue? Sorry first time in.
Lets get this back on track...
Clue (1) In this movie there was a lot of crying....
Thanks Mike, no need for a killing man !
And No right answers from my first clue yet.
Who you callin a beach !!!!
Still no right clue in a couple hours.
Clue 2: there was a tracker in this movie
Clue 2: there was a tracker in this movie
Clue 3:The wife in this Movie was a Painter
and bump
Clue 2: there was a tracker in this movie
Clue 3:The wife in this Movie was a Painter
Clue 4:The Lead man was once a Spaceman
No correct guesses yet. More later