Got it, Desperado with Antonio Banderas, Selma Hayek, the director is Robert Rodriguez and the comedian is Cheech Marin. The other famous actors are Steve Bucsemi, Danny Trejo, and one of my favorite directors, Quentin Tarantino.
Garen, you got it brother. And although they are very close, and it could be taken as a remake, it isn't because if you have seen El Mariachi, there are a couple references in Desperado that make it a different time. That is why he was looking for El Bucho in Desperado, because of events related to the first film. I was really surprised at how much the group had worked together though. When I was looking for some good clues that wouldn't give it away, I found that Rodriguez, Banderas, and Hayek had all worked together on a previous film and then many of them worked together later like Banderas, Trejo and Marin were in the Spy Kids movies which I didn't even realize were by Rodriguez. Trejo was also in from Dusk til Dawn which include Tarantino as did Planet Terror and Grindhouse from the two. Then for those that didn't know, the third film was Once Upon a Time in Mexico that added, Johnny Depp, Willem Dafoe and Eva Mendes. ANyway, good job Garen, PM me your addy and I will send a package your way.
Thats it, I figured the neanderthal would give it away. I still have your addy, I'll get some sticks out to you tomorrow. Anything you want to try?
Nothing in particular that I can think of....surprise me. I'll get my question up either later tonight or early tomorrow. I need some time to think of a good one.
Well, when I first started reading that sentence, I was going to say Cool Hand Luke, but I'm pretty sure I don't remember Paul Newman fighting LizardBats.