B&M Bags
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
In the last couple of weeks I've started leaving cigars in the B& M bags and marking the bags with dates and where they came from-easier than marking each stick plus if I have a problem with a stick I can monitor that bag. I open the bag and drop in the humi. Then I got to thinking....does this in anyway affect the rh, etc. with the bag open does it get the same affect? only problem so far is it makes it harder to stack sticks as my collection grows and takes up some space. Not as easy to find what your looking for although these are minor problems. Antone else do this as far as leaving in bags and putting in humi?
I, in my anal retention, number each cigar which then relates back to a spreadsheet which has everything about that particular cigar on it. Actually right now I'm working on converting that spreadsheet into a webpage so I can update it from anywhere and make it visible for others. So when someone asks if I have such and such or have tried such and such they can just look.
I keep the sticks I recieve in trade or passes in individual bags. These I label as to from who and when they were recieved. That way I can readily see who sent me a particular cigar and when it was placed into the Humi.
The other loose cigars I just label with little stickers so I know when I placed them into the humi.
Boxes just get labelled like the loose ones.