Thanks man, I checked out the site but they didnt have what I was looking for. I think 1/4 inch is to thick for my needs. I'm looking for something 1/8 inch so I can line the inside of a fridge door and the back.
If any one happens to come across any 1/8 thick cedar board / sheeting and you're willing to do me a solid, Please drop me a PM and we can work out the details.
Depending on what you want to spend. You can get the cedar in veneer. Sheets come in my sizes. Just do a search for spanish cedar veneer. It can be attached with glue or you could use double sided tape. It may take a lot of tape. I would use contact cement and let is air out over a week or so.
Did you consider not lining the inside of the fridge, but rather just making shelves out of cedar? That's what I did with mine and it holds the rH like a champ. Once I get home from the beach, I'll get some pictures up...
Did you consider not lining the inside of the fridge, but rather just making shelves out of cedar? That's what I did with mine and it holds the rH like a champ. Once I get home from the beach, I'll get some pictures up...
On a similar note, cedar trays can be purchased for cheap. Let me know if you need to be pointed in the right direction on that.