Diamondog just destroyed me

So a few days ago, tevan50 blew me the f up. Just when I think it's all gonna be ok I get destroyed yet again! Let me say this time and time again the bork's on here never cease to amaze me with their generosity and kindness. You guys are hands down the best group on people on the intrawebs! So Steve saw that my top 3 that I wanted to try was the Liga Privada No 9, Liga Privada T52 and LFD Airbender. He said he was gonna send me some even after I pleaded for him not to. Well he threw in some tag alongs, some ridiculous ones! There was a La Aurora 100 Anos, Cohiba Puro Dominicana and last but not least a Cohiba Siglo VI as an engagement/up coming wedding gift. I'm gonna save this beauty for either my wedding night or the honeymoon! Steve I can't thank you enough far too generous, this is the second time as of late that you have hit me hard!

Nicer still to see the "merciless bombing bullseye" is apparently off my back and on yours now! :-D