I go through phases... I'll punch for a few months, then go on a 'cutting' kick, etc. My most recent cutter was a $30 Colibri, which just crapped out (it no longer springs open). The Colibri headquarters is just up the road from my office so I emailed them hoping they would hook a local guy up.
Those free advertising plastic cutters seem to have alonger life than the more expensive ones (at least for me).
Try the Cuban Crafters Revolucion. I have been using it for the past two months and it seems to work great. I get a lot of compliments on it too. It has a lifetime warranty.
Xikar for sure had some awesome products..the xi cutter that I have has worked seemlessly with a perfect cut everytime. Wide variety of cutters from v cut punch or straight...and lifetime guarente can't be that
I go through phases... I'll punch for a few months, then go on a 'cutting' kick, etc. My most recent cutter was a $30 Colibri, which just crapped out (it no longer springs open). The Colibri headquarters is just up the road from my office so I emailed them hoping they would hook a local guy up.
Those free advertising plastic cutters seem to have alonger life than the more expensive ones (at least for me).
Sounds like the spring popped out. You can open it up and put it back in position. I had to do that with one of mine. I have my Xikar now which is far sharper so it cuts far better, and is more reliable and actually lighter.
Have you ever tried a V-cutter? Ive never found one I didnt like (Xikar, of course, makes the best one out there) and Ive never had a bit of trouble with one. Oh yeah, perfect cut every time too.
I've used a cuban crafters perfect cut three to four times everyday for over two years. I even have a NIB spare in case I ever lose it. Best $15 bucks I've spent in many years!
Have you ever tried a V-cutter? Ive never found one I didnt like (Xikar, of course, makes the best one out there) and Ive never had a bit of trouble with one. Oh yeah, perfect cut every time too.
Another +1 on the cuban crafters perfect cutter. $15 and they'll resharpen it when you send it back. Have been using mine for 2 years, still cuts good, smoke around 7 cigars a week.
I got a Xikar X2. I've been using it for about a year now and haven't had any issues. It sure beats the 3 dollar cutters I was getting at the local smoke shop. They suck and the clerk didn't seem to understand when I called them disposable. Heh.
checking them out now.
Looks like the style with the 'round' rings/handles at each end is out of stock, but they have the 'square' cersion in stock. I'll order one this morning!
Another +1 on the cuban crafters perfect cutter. $15 and they'll resharpen it when you send it back. Have been using mine for 2 years, still cuts good, smoke around 7 cigars a week.
ha we got ours about the same time if I recall correctly right about the time of the first SE herf give or take, mine still works great and it's survived super smoke filled weeks and whatnot
Have you ever tried a V-cutter? Ive never found one I didnt like (Xikar, of course, makes the best one out there) and Ive never had a bit of trouble with one. Oh yeah, perfect cut every time too.
I'll stick with my colibri grip cutter.. Works great especially on the torps and belicosos that I love so much. One cool thing bout the Bugatti b1 lighter is, it has the built punch. Doesnt see too much action but nice to have on hand.
Palio and XiKar MXT Scissors are my two cutters I go back and forth between, depending on the size of the cigar. I use a WOLF V-cut for panatelas and other really small ring gauges.
i am a xikar whore.