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Fridgeadorous Rex!

skweekzskweekz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,218
All this talk of coolerdors and whatnot got me started on this project. It's not done quite yet. I'm still tweeking the conservagel beads to maintain humidity at 65%. My wife has graciously allowed me to keep them in the bedroom (to read: I put them there before she could say no) to allow for better control/monitoring. I told her if the house ever burns down, grab the baby and as many boxes as she can hold.

The setup is actually two separate mini-fridges. The top one is from the wife's college days. I took the compressor out of the back and removed the freezer tray part. I plugged up two remaining holes with weather stripping. The bottom fridge is my old one from my "I live in my parents' basement" days. I didn't remove any of the components from it, but it will remain unplugged. The bedroom is usually right around 70* so temperature shouldn't be too much of an issue. I currently have one pound of conservagel beads in each fridge. This week, I'll be fabricating shelves out of spanish cedar. They'll be flat and slide in where the wire racks are to go. I figure these should be pretty easy to do myself, as it's only just measuring and cutting. I plan to store mostly boxes in there (the plan is to buy one box a month until it's all filled up.)

And the pics of Fridgeadorous Rex (sorry Sniper, I stole your dinosaur theme :0)



They still need some external decorating, 'cause they currently look kinda boring.


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